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Nautical Adventures: Best Lakes and Rivers Near Almeria

When imagining Almeria, Spain, images of beautifully sunny days, and fresh Mediterranean waves that crisply crash along the sandy shores are often the first things that come to mind. However, Almeria, with its diversity, offers more than just vast costal allure. It is also home to a myriad of exceptional lakes and rivers that provide boundless opportunities for nautical adventures. And, the best way to explore these exceptional bodies of water is by setting off on a splendid day trip.

The first step to any successful day trip is arguably the most crucial, and that is planning the journey. To make the most out of the day, it is advisable to rent a car from Almeria. With a rented car, there are no worries about adhering to public transport timelines. It offers comfort, convenience, and most importantly, the freedom to explore the spectacular landscapes at your own pace. So, before we dive into our adventure, you can ensure a smooth day trip by considering car rental in Spain. Now, let's launch into our journey across the fascinating lakes and rivers near Almeria.

The Embalse de Negratín

The Embalse de Negratín, which is one of the largest reservoirs in Spain, is an absolute must-visit. Carved amongst the dramatic, multicolored cliffs, you wouldn't be wrong to label it as Almeria's inland sea. The stunning azure waters are a haven for countless nautical adventures including swimming, fishing, or indulging in all forms of paddle sports. Just imagine spending a day on this beautiful man-made marvel, basking under the Spanish sun while sailing through tranquil waters. The Embalse de Negratín can easily be reached by car from Almeria, and the scenic drive itself is a fantastic adventure.

The Tabernas Desert

While the Tabernas Desert may be known for its arid landscapes, it is also home to the Rambla de Tabernas. Hidden under the cover of scorching desert sand and shimmering mirages, this episodic river carries an element of surprise, springing to life during the rainy season. If you are visiting during this period, don’t miss your chance to witness this desert river in its full glory. The Rambla de Tabernas brings life to the desert, providing refreshing respite from the blistering heat. For film fans, there's a bonus treat — this river is located near the famous Mini Hollywood Oasys theme park, where many Western movies were filmed. Enjoy this dual desert treat not far from Almeria for a day you'll never forget.

The Rio Aguas

The Rio Aguas is another body of water for the nautical adventurer's checklist. This small river springs from the Sierra de Los Filabres and winds its way down to the Mediterranean Sea. You could easily spend an entire day picnicking on its banks, watching fishes flutter in its crystal-clear stream, or exploring its surrounding limestone landscapes. It’s also worth mentioning the stunning karst formations found here. This chalky white landscape created by the erosion of soluble rocks is like a surrealist painting come to life. Experience the enchanting surroundings and culture a short drive from Almeria.

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a vacationing family, Almeria’s landscape offers a diverse array of waterfront locations for a day-long journey or a quick seaside getaway. There is a richness in its natural beauty that captivates the hearts of all its visitors. So, rent a car, set off on an adventure, and discover the hidden gems of Almeria’s lakes and rivers for yourself. You won't regret it.