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When you step off the plane at Basel Airport, a city bustling with culture, stunning architecture, and vibrant life awaits you
When thinking about picturesque Basel in Switzerland, one's mind naturally paints a picture of a bustling city offering a rich blend of Swiss, French and German cultures

Welcome to the heart of Switzerland's natural wonders, the Swiss National Park.

Switzerland is a wonderland that seems to have been plucked right out of a fairytale storybook

Geneva is considered to be the capital of the world. The city is literally crammed with historical sights. Today, the entire business beau monde is concentrated in Geneva, from the headquarters of international organizations, banks and ending with the nuclear research center, where the hadron collider is located.

Switzerland is a small mountainous country in Western Europe that borders Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Liechtenstein. The Swiss part of the Alps is deservedly considered the birthplace of mountaineering and skiing. In the resorts of this country, tourists can expect truly royal service, respectable hotels, reference quality trails and magnificent mountain landscapes. Some glacial zones operate year-round.

Not far from Davos (about 10 km) located Klosters ski resort. This is a small town where Prince Charles of Wales loves to relax. Klosters is located in the center of Graunbünden canton in the mountains at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, it makes it attractive for tourists and sportsmen.