Säästlik autorent Nairobi
✔ Viimase hetke pakkumised ✔ Tasuta tühistamine ja muutmine ✔ Varjatud kulud puuduvad
Kuni 48 tundi enne kavandatud aega
Kas olete avastanud madalama hinna? Teeme teile parema pakkumise.
Filiaalid üle maailma
Meiega üürimise eelised
Kuni 24-48 tundi enne järeletulekut
Broneeringu tegemisel sisestatud teave hoitakse SSL -krüptimistehnoloogia abil privaatsena ja turvalisena.
Meie mitmekeelne kõnekeskus on saadaval, et aidata teil mis tahes küsimuste korral.
Estimated daily prices
Choose the type of vehicle you intend to drive in Nairobi to determine the daily average cost.
List of required documents
Vajalik on kehtiv rahvusvaheline juhiluba.
Rent-a-car points near Nairobi
Look for the greatest car rental offers in nearby areas.
Lähimad lennujaamad
Võite sõiduki tagasi saata teise linna. Lihtsalt otsige sobivaid pakkumisi, sisestades soovitud tagastuslinna. Otsingutulemustes kuvatakse ainult nende ettevõtete pakkumised, mis lubavad tagasipöördumist teises linnas. Ühesuunaline tariif on juba mainitud hinnakujunduses.
Pange tähele, et alla 25 -aastased ja üle 70 -aastased juhid peavad maksma lisatasu. Külastage jaotist Vanusepiirangud, et saada teavet selle kohta, kuidas teie vanuserühma juhilt broneeringu eest tasu võetakse.
Yes. It is possible to rent a car one place and return it in another city for a fee.
In the search window, select "Return in another city" and enter your preferred city of return.
The search results will only show cars that have this option.
The price is displayed includes the additional fee for returning to another city.
Yes, You will be able to either upgrade your car by calling Cars4travel in advance or you will be able to upgrade when you arrive at the rental desk in Nairobi, in order to inform your car supplier of cost and availability.
To maximise coverage, we strongly encourage you to get our full coverage. As you will be insured by an international company, we offer the greatest pricing and you will be much safer during your rental duration in Nairobi.
The mileage policy is always specified in the vehicle description. To view the Rental Conditions simply click on them.
If you are unable to return your car at the agreed drop-off time, the first thing you should do is notify the car rental provider. You will be charged for an additional day and maybe a fee if you are more than two hours late or do not inform the rental company in advance.