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Tours to the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a state located in the Caribbean Sea, in the eastern part of Haiti Island. The island has a wonderful climate - there is eternal summer here, which annually attracts many tourists from all over the world. Before you buy a ticket to this amazing country, you need to learn Spanish - the locals hardly speak English, which will inevitably lead to communication problems.

Those who are used to traveling on their own and sightseeing without a guide and tour groups can rent a car in the Dominican Republic at a rental office and not depend on anyone. Renting a car at Punta Cana Airport will cost an average of 17 euros per day, at Santo Domingo Airport 15 euros per day.

Spanish is the official language in the Dominican Republic, but this is only a legacy of the first conquerors of the island. It is worth noting that tours to the Dominican Republic are rapidly gaining popularity among our compatriots and today many tour operators are trying to make a tour program so that tourists do not have any problems in talking with hotel staff and local residents.

Most often, vacationers are settled in a hotel whose employees speak Russian or English. During excursions around the island, the group is accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide without fail. If you look at a trip to the Dominican Republic from a financial point of view, it turns out that a trip to a paradise island will be equal in cost to tours to other Caribbean islands. The choice of a tour is largely determined by the personal desires and preferences of the tourist, as well as the availability of a flexible system of discounts, last minute tours or other offers from tour operators.

If you go to the Dominican Republic by purchasing an all-inclusive tour, then you don’t need to take a lot of money with you, only the funds that will be needed to buy souvenirs and small personal expenses. If the tour is organized by an experienced travel company, then the ticket includes round-trip air travel, accommodation and meals. All other services are additional, and the vacationer pays for them out of his own pocket.

Many people confuse the Dominican Republic and Dominica. Both states are located in the Caribbean, but the Dominican Republic is part of the Greater Antilles. In addition to the island of Haiti itself, tourists can be accommodated on small islands located nearby. The islands of Saonu and Beatu are very popular with tourists.

Comfortable hotels are located here and all the necessary conditions for a good rest are created. The capital of the Dominican Republic is the city of Santo Domingo. This is a small city, the buildings of which bear a clear imprint of the Spanish colonial style. Tourists who have visited the Dominican Republic will certainly want to return to this hospitable country with beautiful nature and friendly people.