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Acquaintance with Slovakia. Kosice

If we talk about the architectural sights of Slovakia, then one cannot mention Kosice. It is far from Bratislava, the main tourist attraction. In fact, you have to cross the entire country from west to east. However, there is an advantage on this trip - you will pass almost all of Slovakia. 

The landscape seen from the train window will not get bored,
because it is constantly changing. You will see high mountains and gray rocks, green hills and valleys, mountain rivers and lakes, small towns and villages. When traveling by car along the road in Slovakia, you can make several stops, which will add impressions to the trip. For car rental service you can make booking in advance online. In Bratislava airport rates start from 8 euros a day, in Kosice airport - from 10 euros.

Kosice is a city that has played an important role
in the history of several countries at different times. He was the first in Europe to receive his own coat of arms. The residence of the kings has been preserved here. Nowadays, Kosice is the second largest in Slovakia. The Constitutional Court of the country is located in Kosice.
You don't have to go anywhere from the station. All side by side. The alley of the city park will lead to Mlynska street. Here one cannot but pay attention to the wonderful miniature Yakov's palace, and further on, on the Main Street, you only have time to look now to the right and then to the left. Buildings from different eras are mesmerizing. There are more historical and architectural monuments in Kosice than in Bratislava!

You cannot pass by the magnificent Gothic Cathedral of Elizabeth of Hungary (XIV-XVI centuries)
. Next to it is the Church of St. Michael the Archangel (XIV century). The bell tower of the cathedral is the Tower of St. Urban (XIV-XV centuries), at the foot of which there is an old bell weighing five tons.
There are interesting museums. First of all, these are the East Slovak and Technical Museums. In the central part of the city, tourists will find cafes and restaurants where you can have a delicious lunch. It is better to take care of the hotel in advance.

The historical part of the city can be bypassed rather quickly,
but there is no need to rush to leave, because it is worth seeing the evening city with its light and music fountain near the theater. It will not be superfluous to visit this theater, but this is not for everybody.

Another day can be devoted to visiting the zoo.
In addition to enclosures with animals, there are Botanical, Bird, Beekeeping and Geological trails here. Interesting photographs will remain as a keepsake, including those of the figures of giant dinosaurs.