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Hitchhiking: from randomness to lifestyle

Perhaps everyone loves to travel. Only now the views on the organization of such leisure differ significantly.
If more than anything else you value freedom, the thirst for adventure and the enchanting magnetism of the roads; if you want to avoid breakdowns and unpleasant situations, then you should not go on a trip in your own car.

Hitchhiking is exactly what you need!
Not a single bus, train, or even a plane with a seat in business class can replace the emotions that every kilometer covered by a hitchhiker gives.

Depending on the type of transport,
there are various options for a tourist adventure. First of all, this is the so-called zero hitchhiking.
Such a journey involves moving on any non-motorized vehicle, be it a donkey, cart or bicycle. This is mainly the case in rural areas. You can not only get a ride in a rather unusual way for a city dweller, but also treat you with the gifts of the village - milk, fruits, etc.

The first level hitchhiking
is considered traditional in our understanding. Everything is very clear here - a tourist will be happy with any wheeled transport, which, cutting through the endless expanses of asphalt roads, will take him away from his usual places.

At times, you may be lucky enough
to become a casual rail passenger. Such a hitchhiking is less popular, but it is unlikely that a person thirsting for immeasurable freedom and vivid impressions would refuse to "steer" the locomotive and pull the signal whistle.

And the last, at first glance,
unrealistic type of hitchhiking is an air adventure. Anyone who has flown at least once will agree that it is quite difficult to imagine how such a business can be done free of charge (after all, this is what hitchhiking is based on).

However, there are daredevils
who do not care about checkpoints and customs barriers. This means that it is also possible to travel "like a hare" by air. Is it worth checking it out on your own experience? Not sure. And we do not risk advising you.

Also, many tourists prefer to use car rental services.
The average cost of renting a car in Antalya is 20 euros per day, in Miami the rental price is lower - from 11 euros per day, in Barcelona you can rent a car from 16 euros per day.