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Cheap Car rental in Gold Coast
The Gold Coast is Australia's most exciting destination. The city, located in southeast Queensland and a short drive from the state capital, Brisbane, provides unlimited options for surfing, diving, and partying, among other things. Many additional natural sites, including as the Scenic Rim, Glass House Mountains, and Moreton Island, are also accessible by vehicle hire.
City facts that are useful
The Gold Coast has a hot and humid subtropical climate with little seasonal temperature variation. The average high temperature is 29°C (84°F) in January and February, and 21°C (70°F) in July, the coolest months. Precipitation is very high throughout the year, with a particularly significant rise in February.
Many world-famous films have been made on the Gold Shore due to its gorgeous position on the Pacific Ocean's coast (some of which are not even set in Australia). The Chronicles of Narnia was released in 2010, Pirates of the Caribbean was released in 2015, and Thor: Ragnarok was released in 2016.
The Gold Coast was established by British colonists in the 1870s after being inhabited for generations by the indigenous Yugambeh people. For decades, the city was referred to as the South Coast, owing to its proximity to Brisbane. The Gold Coast was renamed in 1958, and city rights were granted the following year. The Gold Coast is now Australia's largest city that is not a state capital.
Best vacation spots and activities
Tamborine Mountain is located in Queensland, Australia. Tamborine Mountain, located approximately a 40-minute drive inland from the Gold Coast's center, is one of the area's most popular attractions for both locals and visitors. The region is home to the same-named national park, Witches Falls, and the picturesque Tamborine Mountain Road, as well as a broad plateau with spectacular vistas.
Surfers Paradise is a term used to describe a place where people may go to Surfers Paradise, the city's most well-known neighborhood, is associated with the Gold Coast itself for many visitors. Although the neighborhood has been significantly developed in the last decade – backpacker hostels and surfing schools now coexist with multi-story office buildings, nightclubs, and boutique stores – it retains some of its original energy, and no visit to the
Currumbin Beach is located in Queensland, Australia. Currumbin Beach, located 26 kilometers (16 miles) south of the Gold Coast and accessible in 40 minutes, is considered by many to be the most pleasant beach on the Gold Coast. It features surfing chances for novices and experienced alike and gives a beautiful view of the Gold Coast skyline in the distance, despite the lack of tourist throngs. Currumbin is also home to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, a lovely and accessible wildlife reserve.
Broadbeach, also known as Kurrawa Beach, is located just south of the city center. It is more relaxed and laid-back than its affluent neighbor, but it has many of the same attractions, such as restaurants, surf shops, and, of course, gorgeous beaches.
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