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Melbourne - Dandenong car rental

Facts about Melbourne

Melbourne has an oceanic climate that is temperate. Summers in the Southern Hemisphere are extremely hot, lasting from December to February, while winters are brief and pleasant. In February, the average high temperature is 26.6 °C (79.9 °F), and in June, the average high temperature is 14.2 °C (57.6 °F). Precipitation is very consistent throughout the year, with a slight rise from October to December.

Melbourne is Australia's second-most populous city, with about 4.9 million residents as of 2019. Nearly 75% of the people in the state of Victoria (which is roughly the size of the United Kingdom) and 20% of all Australians live in or near the city. Greater Melbourne is divided into 23 divisions.

Melbourne is frequently recognized as one of the world's most livable cities. It rated second in The Economist's 2019 Global Liveability Ranking, trailing only Vienna in Austria and ahead of Sydney, Osaka in Japan, and Calgary in Canada. Melbourne's high rating was influenced by factors such as excellent quality healthcare and other public services, robust educational options, and a diversified cultural life.

Best vacation spots and activities

The Royal Botanic Gardens are located in Kew, England. The botanical gardens, which cover a large area in Melbourne and its suburbs, are home to over 8,500 different varieties of plants, as well as various birds and animals, some of which you may be lucky enough to spot on a pleasant day out there.

Victoria's National Gallery The National Gallery is the oldest, largest, and most visited museum in Australia. Also called simply the NGV, it houses an impressive array of paintings, statues, prints, photographs, and other artwork. There are exhibitions of indigenous art as well as current Australian artists, as well as pieces by globally recognized old masters such as Degas, El Greco, Rothko, and Renoir. Other museums in Melbourne worth seeing include the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the Old Treasury Building and Gold Museum, the Immigration Museum, and many more.

Fitzroy. Fitzroy is perhaps the hippest area you'll discover for thousands of kilometers in every direction. It's fun, unique, and always in style. It's just as easy to meet new people here as it is to get lost in the quaint bookshops, art galleries, and small concert venues.

The Melbourne Zoo. Australia’s oldest zoo is a large and modern nature area where about 320 species of animals live. You can observe most of the domestic marsupial and other animal species here, as well as to visit the Orangutan Sanctuary, look at penguins in the Wild Sea exhibit, and see the pride of the zoo, the Trail of the Elephants.

The Dandenong Ranges are a set of low mountain ranges, rising to 633 metres at Mount Dandenong, approximately 35 km east of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The ranges consist mostly of rolling hills, steeply weathered valleys and gullies covered in thick temperate rainforest, predominantly of tall mountain ash trees and dense ferny undergrowth. Today, The Dandenongs are home to over 100,000 residents and are popular amongst visitors, many of whom stay for the weekend at the various bed & breakfasts throughout the region. The popular Puffing Billy Railway, a heritage steam railway, runs through the hills villages of the eastern Dandenong Ranges.

Traffic and parking tips

One of the largest road hazards in Australia are the wildlife. Take extra caution when driving in bad weather or after dark as this is when most of the collisions with wildlife take place.

Mobile coverage is very rarely available outside of major highways and population centers, so take extra caution when traveling in nature areas.

Another great risk when traveling outside of main highways is the heat. The temperatures can reach extremes very easily, especially during the summer months and in inland areas. Always stay properly hydrated and set out your route in advance to be able to supplement your water supplies.

Driving under the influence laws differ from territory to territory in Australia. In Victoria, the legal alcohol limit is 0.05% for experienced drivers and 0.00% for novice drivers and drivers with provisional licences. Exceeding the limit can lead to large fines and a driver licence ban.

The insurance and car documentation need to be in the car whenever you’re driving.

If you’re the driver, you need to have your passport or ID card with you at all times.

The primary, nationwide emergency number in Australia is 000. 

Toll roads

There are a number of toll roads in Australia, mainly in the states of Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. In Victoria, there are two active toll roads, Linkt (formerly known as CityLink) and EastLink.

Most toll roads in Australia use an “open roll system” with mainline barrier toll points. All toll roads in Australia use cashless payment system. You can purchase a prepaid pass for most toll roads. Some rental cars in Australia are equipped with an electronic toll responder the price of which is usually included in the rental price. Ask your car rental provider about it in advance.

Different toll roads are operated by different companies, so there is no nation-wide fee system in place.

For more information about the toll roads in the state of Victoria, visit the website of the Royal Automobile Association (RAA) of South Australia.

Ideas for a day-trip

Phillip Island. Less than three hours drive from Melbourne, Phillip Island and the nature park of the same name are known for their famous inhabitants - penguins and seals (statistically, there are more of the latter on the island than there area humans). The opportunities to observe both species are plenty.

Yarra Valley. Having won as many awards as their counterparts in Bordeaux and Burgundy, Yarra Valley is Australia’s number one wine destination. The wines are best sampled together with some delicious local food in one of the many area’s restaurants. If you can, set aside not one, but at least a couple of days for a full experience so that you and your travel buddy (or buddies) can take turns in enjoying the wines.

Yarra Ranges National Park. Part of the same Yarra Valley area, Yarra Ranges is one of the largest national parks in Victoria. Made up of winding paths that crisscross the temperate rainforest and mountain ash woodlands, this is a great place to enjoy a day outdoors. The national park is home to the emblematic slender fern tree, as well as wildlife species such as wombats, kangaroos, and different types of platypuses. Located about 160 km (100 miles) from Melbourne, the area can be reached in about 2 hours and 45 minutes. If you wish to avoid going there and back again on the same day, there are a number of hotels and bed & breakfasts in the immediate vicinity of the park. Other beautiful nature areas about the same distance from Melbourne include Wilsons Promontory National Park, Great Otway National Park, and Grampians National Park.


Výhody výpůjčky skrze naši službu

Bezplatné úpravy

Až do 24-48 hodin do vyzvednutí vozu

Zabezpečená platba

Informace, které při rezervaci zadáte, budou zabezpečeny a šifrovány za použití SSL šifrovací technologie.

Nonstop zákaznická podpora

Naše mnohojazyčné zákaznické centrum je vám nonstop k dispozici.

Výčet vyžadovaných dokumentů

1. Řidičský prúkaz
2. Kreditní karta
3. Poukaz

Je vyžadován platný mezinárodní řidičský průkaz.

Půjčovny v okolních lokalitách

Podívejte se na sousední místa a vyhledejte nejlepší nabídky půjčení auta.

Nejbližší letiště

Nejbližší města

Možnosti platby

Plaťte za rezervaci kartou MasterCard, Visa nebo Maestro. POZORNOST! Když obdržíte automobil, možná budete potřebovat kreditní kartu a debetní kartu nebudete moci používat. Více informací o podrobnostech předem najdete v sekci Platební metody.

Údaje o kreditní kartě a vkladu

Akceptováno: kreditní karty MasterCard, Maestro a Visa (ne debetní ani předplacené)

Přečetli jste si podmínky a rozhodli jste se, že je vyžadována kreditní karta, ale nemáte ji. Než něco uděláte, přejděte na www.bindb.com a vyhledejte typ své aktuální debetní karty. Některé banky vydávají kreditní karty ve formě debetních karet bez omezení.

Vrátit vůz na jiném místě

Může pro vás být snazší vrátit vůz v jiném městě. Stačí upravit nastavení vyhledávání a zadat vámi preferované město jako místo vrácení vozu. Následně se vám zobrazí pouze nabídky společností, které umožňují vrácení vozu v jiném městě. V zobrazené ceně je již započítaný tarif.

Věkové omezení

Řidiči mladší 25 let a starší 70 let platí v rámci výpůjčky poplatek navíc. Sekce Věkové omezení vám poradí s tím, kolik platí řidiči ve vaší věkové skupině.

Výpůjčky vozů za tu nejlepší cenu

Porovnejte ceny vozů a ušetřete

Jakmile se dohodnete na datu vaší dovolené, neměli byste ztrácet čas a rezervovat si co nejdříve svůj vůz.            

K dispozici jsou samozřejmě i výpůjčky na poslední chvíli. Vyplatí se ale plánovat dopředu. Na trhu operují jak velcí celosvětoví hráči typu Sixt nebo Budget, kteří své služby nabízejí téměř všude na světě, tak i menší a často levnější autopůjčovny.

Proto vám pro každý výlet nabízíme ty nejvýhodnější nabídky jak mezinárodních, tak menších lokálních půjčoven v místě vaší dovolené.

4.8 / 5
6 814 оценок
Máte možnosti jednosměrného pronájmu v Melbourne - Dandenong Downtown?

Obecně většina společností nabízí služby jednosměrného pronájmu.
Nezapomeňte, že když zvolíte jednosměrný, obvykle se účtují dodatečné náklady.

Mohu upgradovat své auto?

Ano, ve většině případů můžete upgradovat vozidlo, které jste si rezervovali. Můžete buď zavolat na Cars4travel a provést upgrade svého auta, nebo provést upgrade v půjčovně v Melbourne - Dandenong Downtown.

Jaké dodatečné pokrytí si mohu zakoupit?

Pokud si u leasingové společnosti nekoupíte plné krytí nebo jiné pojištění, auto z půjčovny zabere jen minimum.

Jaké jsou limity najetých kilometrů v pronájmu?

Většina dodavatelů v Melbourne - Dandenong Downtown nabízí neomezený počet najetých kilometrů.
Ve výsledcích vyhledávání můžete zjistit, zda je kilometr omezen nebo neomezen podle podmínek každého automobilu.

Mohu vrátit auto později, než je doba stanovená pro předání?

Pokud nemůžete své vozidlo vrátit do sjednaného času odjezdu, musíte o tom informovat autopůjčovnu v Melbourne - Dandenong Downtown. Pokud auto vrátíte o více než dvě hodiny později, bude vám účtován další den.