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Surrey is a county in South East England, bordered to the east by Kent, to the southeast by East Sussex, to the south by West Sussex, to the west by Hampshire, to the northwest by Berkshire, and to the northeast by Greater London. Surrey is the 12th most populous English county and the third most populated home county, with a population of around 1.2 million people.
Monuments and historic architecture
Surrey has little relics from the ancient British and Roman eras. There are a number of round and bell barrows in diverse sites, most of which date from the Bronze Age. Iron Age hillfort ruins may be found at Holmbury Hill, Hascombe Hill, Anstiebury (near Capel), Dry Hill (near Lingfield), St Ann's Hill (Chertsey), and St George's Hill (Weybridge). [63] The majority of these sites were built in the first century BC, and several were re-occupied around the middle of the first century AD. Only a few stretches of Stane Street and Ermine Street, the Roman roadways that ran across the county, survive.
Anglo-Saxon features may still be seen in a number of Surrey churches, including those in Guildford (St Mary), Godalming (St Peter & St Paul), Stoke D'Abernon (St Mary), Thursley, Witley, Compton, and Albury (in Old Albury).
Surrey has a number of medieval churches, although the county's parish churches are usually tiny and basic, with significant damage and modification of their shape during Victorian restoration. Chaldon, Lingfield, Stoke D'Abernon, Compton, and Dunsfold all have significant medieval church interiors. Large monastery churches fell into disrepair once their institutions were disbanded, however remnants of Waverley Abbey and Newark Priory remain. Southwark Priory, which is no longer in Surrey, has survived and is now Southwark Cathedral. Farnham Castle maintains much of its medieval construction, but Guildford Castle only has the keep and parts of the curtain walls and palace structures.
Surrey has very little non-military secular architecture dating before the 15th century. Wanborough Manor, Bletchingley, Littleton, East Horsley, Ewhurst, Dockenfield, Lingfield, Limpsfield, Oxted, Crowhurst Place, Haslemere, and Old Surrey Hall are among the surviving homes and barns from that century, with significant subsequent alterations.
The great mid-century country estates of Loseley Park and Sutton Place, as well as the historic structure of the Royal Grammar School, Guildford, which was founded in 1509, are notable examples of 16th-century architecture. A significant number of smaller homes and public houses from the 16th century have also survived. From the 17th century forward, the number of surviving structures grows even more. Despite its age, Abbot's Hospital, founded in 1619, is a magnificent building built in the Tudor style. West Horsley Place, Slyfield Manor, and Guildford's Guildhall are further notable examples of 17th-century architecture.
Surrey is a relatively prosperous county. It boasts the most forest of any county in England, four racecourses, and golf courses, including Wentworth.
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