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Cheap Car Hire - Travel To Colombia Without Paying A Dime
Cheap car hire Colombia is easy to get, especially if you know what you are looking for. Although the country's capital city, Bogota, is a very popular place to go, many visitors are not aware that there is a lot more to see and do in Colombia than just the main tourist attractions. This can be a major disappointment for travelers who are looking for a more cultural experience in their travels, but also want a vehicle that is easy to drive in.
The country's second largest city, Medellin, offers visitors a much different type of experience. Although it is true that the city is not as populated as some other Colombian cities, it is still a very interesting city, filled with very unique culture and sights. When traveling through Colombia, it is important that you consider both the cultural highlights and the driving experiences offered by the country's major cities.
The country's third largest city, Cartagena, is a highly populated area that is considered to be one of the most historically significant cities in all of South America. The city was also a major center for the nineteenth century railroad, which is why it has a very distinctive look and feel to it. What you will find in Cartagena are several options when it comes to car hire. There are plenty of economy car rentals available, as well as larger vehicles such as sedans and town cars.
Bogota, Colombia's largest city, is another popular choice among tourists. With a plethora of art galleries and museums, a number of well-known restaurants, and a number of major markets and banks, Bogota offers plenty of opportunities for activities. As it is a popular hub for business, it is easy to get around on foot and have a great time. You will also be able to take advantage of local bus services and taxis if need be. It is also one of Colombia's most industrialized cities, so there are plenty of options for shopping as well. However, there are better options for cheap car hire in Colombia that include buses, trucks, and cars with drivers.
One of the best locations for finding cheap car hire in Colombia is the Amazon. The country shares its borders with three South American countries, namely Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. You will likely find low-cost airfare, which allows you to visit all three at a time and experience a variety of cultures. Other cheap car hire options include airfare and boat cruises, as well as other activities like snorkeling and trekking.
In addition to these, you can also find a cheap car hire option by taking a Colombia tour. These tours include activities like trekking, Jeep tours, and river rafting tours. Of course, if you do not want to take a trip abroad, you can always go the old fashioned way and book a car rental in Colombia. This option will save you money because it will allow you to hire a car on your own. There are several car hire companies in Colombia that offer low prices on regular models, but depending on your needs and budget, you should compare prices between a number of different companies before deciding.
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