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Cheap Car Hire in Denmark
Car hire in Denmark is a great option for those seeking a cheap way of traveling within the European continent. The Danish people are regarded as friendly and hospitable and their infrastructure, including public transport, is one of the best in Europe. Most visitors to Denmark use economy car rentals because they offer a cost-effective way of exploring this Scandinavian country. Denmark is regarded as a peaceful country and most visitors get a true taste of the country by driving around in a rented vehicle.
The easiest way to get a cheap car hire in Denmark is to book online. When you visit the Danish website, you can book your rental car online by providing basic details such as your name, email address and registration number. You can also choose to make your reservation through an agent who may be based in nearby London or Amsterdam. However, it is often more convenient to book your rental cars online from the convenience of your home.
If you decide to make your reservation through an agent, it is best to contact them at least four months before your trip. This is because all major car hire companies have an online booking system that allows them to make room for new clients. Once you enter your information and details on the website, you can immediately start your search for the ideal car hire deal. Most websites allow you to compare various rental options, so you can easily find a package that suits your budget.
Taxes and fees charged by a rental company are typically based on the distance between your point of pick-up and your permanent residence. Therefore, if you are traveling to Copenhagen and would like to pick up your car at the airport, you will be subject to a registration fee. However, if you are traveling to any other destination within Denmark, you will only be required to pay the standard rate. These rates are different from area to area. In order to get the best possible rates, it is highly recommended that you compare rates with at least three other rental companies.
The easiest way to save money when it comes to finding a cheap Danish car rental is to locate rental companies that are based in nearby countries. These companies will usually have their own terminal in the country you intend to visit, or they may only need a parking space. They will then inform you of all the expenses incurred on your behalf. For example, you may be required to pay for airport transfer fee, vehicle insurance and fuel. In some cases, rental companies may even provide you with an introductory price as part of their loyalty offer.
Once you locate a company offering a cheap Denmark rental, ensure that you confirm all the additional charges associated with the rental package before you make your final decision. For instance, if you choose a one day rental package, be prepared to pay an extra fee on your return trip. If you choose to take up a two or three day stay, be prepared to pay an additional tax-free price on your stay. Finally, always request the travel insurance policy from the rental company in case you have to cancel your trip due to any unfortunate incidents such as bad weather, illness or injury.
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Průměrné ceny podle třídy automobilů
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Dokumenty nutné k vypůjčení vozidla
Je vyžadován platný mezinárodní řidičský průkaz.
Nejpopulárnější města a autopůjčovny v Dánsko
Doporučujeme vám seznámit se s cenami a dostupností vozů v různých autopůjčovnách.
Nejbližší letiště
Může pro vás být snazší vrátit vůz v jiném městě. Stačí upravit nastavení vyhledávání a zadat vámi preferované město jako místo vrácení vozu. Následně se vám zobrazí pouze nabídky společností, které umožňují vrácení vozu v jiném městě. V zobrazené ceně je již započítaný tarif.
Řidiči mladší 25 let a starší 70 let platí v rámci výpůjčky poplatek navíc. Sekce Věkové omezení vám poradí s tím, kolik platí řidiči ve vaší věkové skupině.