Cenově dostupná autopůjčovna v El Salvador - od 10€ denně
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How to Save on Car Rental in El Salvador
There are many popular tourist destinations in El Salvador, but nowhere is quite as popular as San Miguel International Airport, which is located just south of San Salvador's capital of San Salvador. The busiest time to book car rental cars at this airport is around weekdays, especially if you travel from a major city like San Diego or Chicago to El Salvador. However, there are other, less traveled routes that still offer affordable rates for those seeking to travel across the country in their vehicle. Some of the less popular cities in El Salvador that tend to have high rates are Asunciados and San Miguel, though the cost of traveling to these cities from major US cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Dallas is still relatively low.
In terms of length of stay, those traveling from major cities such as San Salvador's airport will save the most money by going direct. The reason being, San Miguel's airport is much smaller than the rest of the airports in the country and can get quite crowded at times. Direct car rental services allow you to book your rental early so you avoid the long lines at the airport and can make your way straight to your rental car once you reach the parking lot. These services also often charge less per day for the car you rent because you are able to drive it directly to your hotel. If you do not want to go this route, it may still be to your advantage to search for a car rental agency that offers trips out of San Miguel as well as route the trip through other more heavily traveled areas of the country.
In addition to how long one is willing to spend on the road, another factor that will affect the amount that you pay for a car rental is how popular the area where you are traveling to is. For example, if you want to drive through the city of San Salvador's airport, you will most likely save money if you choose to drive your rental vehicle there rather than relying upon public transportation. The same holds true for other popular cities such as Santa Fe, San Miguel, and San Jose.
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