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Mariehamn is the capital of the land Islands, an independent region governed by Finland. Mariehamn is the seat of Land's Government and Parliament, and it is home to 40% of the country's population. It is primarily surrounded by Jomala, the second most populous municipality in Land; to the east, it is bordered by Lemland. Mariehamn, like the rest of Land, is unilingually Swedish-speaking, with around 88 percent of the population speaking it as their first language.
The subject of Mariehamn's coat of arms relates to the city's major source of income, marine transportation, and the city's parks, which are generally bordered with linden trees. Nils Byman created the coat of arms, which was approved in 1951.
The town was named after the Russian Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1824–1880), and properly translates as "Marie's Port." Mariehamn was created in 1861, in the vicinity of the village of Vernäs, in what was then part of the municipality of Jomala. Since then, the city has grown and absorbed more of Jomala's land. Mariehamn was created in a highly regular and well-preserved pattern. Södragatan is one of the oldest streets in Stockholm, with numerous wooden homes originating from the nineteenth century. Following World War I, Mariehamn was the home of the Mariehamn Grain Fleet.
On November 8, 1963, a terrible plane crash occurred in Mariehamn, killing 22 out of 25 persons, making it the second most lethal aviation disaster in Finland's history.
Ports: The city is built on a peninsula. It has two significant harbours, one on the western side and one on the eastern shore, both of which are ice-free and have no tides for virtually the entire year. The Western Harbour is a significant international port with daily trade to Sweden, Estonia, and the Finnish mainland. The fact that land is not part of the EU customs zone, and therefore duty-free products may be sold aboard, is a strong incentive for Baltic ferries to stop in Mariehamn. land and Mariehamn have a famous seafaring history. The museum ship Flying P-Liner Pommern (part of the Land Maritime Museum) is anchored in the Western Harbour. The Eastern Harbour is home to one of Scandinavia's largest marinas. The renowned Dutch steamboat Jan Nieveen (now known as F.P. von Knorring, after land teacher and vicar Frans Peter von Knorring) is also housed here.
Airport: Mariehamn Airport serves the city and is served by two airlines, including Finnair.
Roads: Mariehamn serves as a starting point for three of Land's four highways: Main Road 1 to Eckerö, Main Road 2 to Sund, and Main Road 3 to Lumparland.
Lars Sonck, a Finnish architect who grew up in land, designed numerous structures in Mariehamn. He designed the Mariehamn church (1927), the main building of the Land Maritime College (1927), and the town hall (1927). (1939). Hilda Hongell also created a number of structures, just a handful of which are still surviving.
Hotel Arkipelag, located on the east side of the city center, is one of Mariehamn's most important tourist hotels.
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