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Cannes is a city on France's French Riviera. It is a commune in the department of Alpes-Maritimes and the location of the annual Cannes Film Festival, Midem, and Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The city is well-known for its affiliation with the wealthy and famous, as well as for its luxury hotels and restaurants, as well as for hosting a number of conferences. It held the 2011 G20 meeting on November 3, 2011.
The Promenade de la Croisette is a palm-lined seaside boulevard. La Croisette is well-known for its beautiful beaches, restaurants, cafés, shops, and luxury hotels. The historic village of Le Suquet offers a good perspective of La Croisette. The Musée de la Castre is housed in the fortified tower and Chapel of St Anne. The Russian Orthodox church is a notable structure in Cannes.
Le Suquet is Cannes's historic district, well known to tourists for the steep, twisting cobblestone street lined with local eateries known as Rue St Antoine. Le Suquet has a clock tower and a chapel that sit high over the Bay of Cannes and Cannes itself. The Marché Forville, located at the bottom of Le Suquet on Rue Dr. P. Gazagnaire, is where the market is held in the mornings and early afternoons.
The original primary path into Cannes is the Rue du Suquet. It crept in behind the castle's defenses (for defence reasons). It is now a pedestrian street with several restaurants.
The great villas of 19th-century Cannes may still be seen, designed to represent the riches and status of their owners and inspired by anything from medieval castles to Roman villas. They are not accessible to the general population. Between 1835 and 1839, Lord Brougham's Italianate Villa Eléonore Louise (one of the earliest in Cannes) was erected. This is Cannes's oldest residential neighborhood, also known as the Quartier des Anglais. Another notable structure is the Villa Fiésole (now known as the Villa Domergue), which was created by Jean-Gabriel Domergue in the style of Fiesole, near Florence, and may be seen by appointment.
The Man with the Iron Mask needed 11 years to depart the small, wooded St Marguerite Island. The mystery person was thought to be of aristocratic lineage, but his identity was never established. His cell is currently housed at the Fort of St. Marguerite, which has been renamed the Musée de la Mer (Museum of the Sea). This museum also exhibits finds from shipwrecks off the coast of the island, such as Roman (1st century BC) and Saracen (10th century AD) pottery.
The sole residents of the smaller, southern St Honorat Island are Cistercian monks. Monks have lived on the island since AD 410, and at their peak, they controlled Cannes, Mougins, and Vallauris. The austere church, which is available to the public, and the remnants of the 11th-century monastery on the seashore are both home to medieval relics. The monks of Lérins Abbey spend their time between prayer and the production of red and white wines.
In an 18th-century palace, the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Provence displays items dating from prehistory to the present. Objects from the Pacific Atolls, Peruvian antiquities, and Mayan ceramics may be found at the Musée de la Castre. The Musée de la Marine, Musée de la Mer, Musée de la Photographie, and Musée International de la Parfumerie are among the other museums.
Cannes is not known for traditional theatre. During the yearly International Actors' Performance Festival, however, tiny venues perform plays and host short skits. The Espace Miramar and the Alexandre III are two nearby theaters.
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