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How to Save on Car Rental in Greece - How to Avoid High Fuel Costs When Traveling
The benefits of using car rental services offered by a number of Greek islands cannot be ignored. Whether you want to go on an exciting holiday or make an extended getaway, traveling by car can offer countless advantages for travelers. If you want to explore popular tourist places in Greece, you may consider renting a car to get around the island. Whether you book your trip online or in person, these tips will help you save money on your next vacation.
Traveling by car is more affordable than airfare if you plan your route and make sure to depart from a popular destination island such as Santorini, Crete, and Mykonos during off-season or when the tourist influx is slow. Booking a car rental ahead of time, especially for travel to popular islands such as Corfu, Epirus, and Akrotiri can guarantee you'll get the best rates. Popular destinations such as Akrotiri and Corfu are also less crowded during the summer months, making airfare and rental cost a lot less.
Renting a car is also a great idea when visiting popular tourist places such as Athens, Crete, and the surrounding area. It's easy to navigate the streets of any city in this way, and it also makes sense to rent a car while traveling to an area that may be unfamiliar to you. You can talk to fellow travelers about the best routes and activities to take, but the rental companies usually provide detailed maps of the area, which can be very helpful. As a bonus, renting from an established Greek rental company may earn you some perks such as free fuel for the duration of your rental period.
Aside from getting around the island by car, you can also save money with hotel stays. Greece offers both luxury hotels and budget ones, which often come highly recommended for their quality and amenities. The larger hotels often have concierge services that can assist you in your search for the perfect place to stay. If you book ahead, you may even find discounts on meals, tours, and other activities during your stay.
Of course, another way to save on car rental in Greece is to make your hotel reservations as far in advance as possible. This ensures that you'll have the room rate lowered to reflect the lowered demand for rooms, which will help cut expenses on airfare, ground transportation, and rental cars. If you book early enough, you may also get discounts on certain packages that include airfare, ground transportation, and car rentals. If you're traveling to a popular destination like Piraeus or Kerkyra, there's even a discount cruise package available through many hotel groups.
Booking your car in advance can also help you save on fuel costs. The more time you have to prepare and prep the vehicle for travel, the less it'll take to fill it up with gas. With all the driving and hiking that you'll be doing in Greece, you'll also want to be sure to pack plenty of food and water to keep yourself hydrated. With all the sights and activities that you can see and do, bringing a little extra food and water to keep in your car is well worth the effort.
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Může pro vás být snazší vrátit vůz v jiném městě. Stačí upravit nastavení vyhledávání a zadat vámi preferované město jako místo vrácení vozu. Následně se vám zobrazí pouze nabídky společností, které umožňují vrácení vozu v jiném městě. V zobrazené ceně je již započítaný tarif.
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