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Bari, the capital city of the Metropolitan City of Bari and the Apulia region in southern Italy, located on the Adriatic Sea, is a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas, and is the second most significant economic center in mainland Southern Italy after Naples (and the third after Palermo if Insular Italy is included).
Bari is divided into four urban areas. To the north lies the tightly constructed ancient town on a peninsula between two contemporary harbours, with the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, the Cathedral of San Sabino (1035–1171), and the Hohenstaufen Castle, which was erected for Frederick II and is today a prominent nightlife zone. To the south lies the Murat sector (erected by Joachim Murat), the city's contemporary center, which is built out on a rectangular grid with a seafront promenade and the primary retail district (the via Sparano and via Argiro).
Landmarks in architecture
Santa Chiara, formerly the Teutonic Knights' church (as Santa Maria degli Alemanni), now houses a museum. It was rebuilt in 1539.
Pane e Pomodoro Beach is the major beach accessible from the city. Its reputation has suffered for numerous years as a result of the obvious presence of asbestos from adjacent industrial sites.
The Basilica di San Nicola (Saint Nicholas) was built in 1087 to house the saint's relics, which were transported from Myra in Lycia and now rest under the altar in the crypt, where the Topins, a legacy of ancient robbers converted to good faith, are buried. The church is one of Apulia's four Palatine churches (the others are the cathedrals of Acquaviva delle Fonti and Altamura, as well as the church of Monte Sant'Angelo sul Gargano).
The Bari Cathedral, dedicated to Saint Sabinus of Canosa (San Sabino), was built in Byzantine style in 1034 but was damaged during the 1156 sack of the city. Thus, between 1170 and 1178, a new structure was constructed, largely influenced by that of San Nicola. Only remnants of the old structure may be seen in the transept today.
The Petruzzelli Theatre, which opened in 1903, featured various types of live entertainment, or nineteenth-century "Politeama." On October 27, 1991, a fire nearly destroyed the theatre. After an 18-year hiatus, it reopened in October 2009.
Roger II of Sicily erected the Norman-Hohenstaufen Castle, also known as the Castello Svevo (Swabian Castle), in 1131. It was destroyed in 1156 and restored by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. The castle is currently used as a gallery in the city for a range of temporary exhibitions.
The most prominent art gallery in Apulia is the Pinacoteca Provinciale di Bari (Provincial Picture Gallery of Bari). It was founded in 1928 and has various artworks ranging from the 15th century to modern art.
The Russian Church of Saint Nicholas in Bari's Carrassi neighborhood was erected in the early twentieth century to welcome Russian pilgrims who traveled to the city to see the church of Saint Nicholas in the old city, where the saint's relics are still kept.
Barivecchia, or Old Bari, is the portion of the city to the north of the contemporary Murat area. It is a maze of alleys and passages. Due to high levels of petty crime, many Bari locals regarded Barivecchia to be a no-go neighborhood until recently. The construction of the two main squares, Piazza Mercantile and Piazza Ferrarese, was the first step in a large-scale renovation plan.
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