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Since the 19th century, Taormina has been a popular tourist resort. Its beaches on the Ionian Sea, including Isola Bella, are accessible by an aerial tramway erected in 1992, as well as motorways from Messina and Catania in the north and south, respectively. The 43rd G7 summit was held in Taormina on the 26th and 27th of May 2017.
The most important sights
The modern town of Taormina stands on the historic site, on a hill that serves as the final projecting point of a mountain range that runs down the coast from Cape Pelorus to this point. The historic town is roughly 250 meters above sea level, while an extremely steep and virtually deserted cliff, capped by a Norman castle, is about 150 meters higher. This is most likely the location of the old Arx or citadel, which was recorded by ancient writers as being impenetrable. The ancient city occupied the entire summit of the hill, and portions of the ancient walls can be traced all the way around the brow. There are several ruins of ancient buildings dispersed across its entire surface, including enormous water reservoirs, sepulchres, tessellated pavements, and the remains of a large superstructure known as a Naumachia, but the true use of which is unknown.
The Ancient Theatre of Taormina is made primarily of brick and thus most likely dates from the Roman period, though the plan and arrangement are more akin to those of Greek, rather than Roman, theatres; thus, it is assumed that the current structure was rebuilt on the foundations of an older Greek theatre. This theatre is the second largest of its sort in Sicily (after that of Syracuse), with a diameter of 109 meters (after an addition in the 2nd century); it is commonly used for operatic and theatrical events, as well as concerts. The majority of the original seats have vanished, but the wall that encircled the cavea has been retained, and the proscenium with the rear wall of the scena and its appendages, of which only vestiges can be found in most ancient theatres, has been preserved in an exceptional degree of integrity. It was of the Corinthian order, and beautifully adorned, according to the pieces of architectural ornaments that have survived. Some parts of a temple, which have been converted into the church of San Pancrazio, are also evident, but the structure is modest.
The Palazzo Corvaja, a 12th-14th century palace, a 1635 Baroque fountain, the Church of San Domenico, the Anglican Church of Saint George, and the municipal gardens are among the other attractions (Giardini della Villa Comunale).
Výhody výpůjčky skrze naši službu
Až do 24-48 hodin do vyzvednutí vozu
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Místa vyzvednutí a vyzvednutí v blízkosti Taormina
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