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How To Save On Car Rental In Jordan
Jordan is an African country located between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. The main cities of Jordon and Amman have a great mix of tourists, both local Jordanians and foreign visitors. Tourist places in Jordan are varied and include the old Souk, palace and citadel of Hadrian, modern day King Abdullah's mosque and even donkey rides in Irbid. In Jordan, most rental car companies allow tourists to book cars online, which is one of the easiest ways how to save on car rental in Jordan. Tourist places in Jordan have a large selection of hotels, restaurants and bars and there are many activities and sport to be enjoyed during your stay.
King Abdullah's mosque in Amman is another popular tourist place in Jordan. The octagonal building is one of the finest examples of oriental constructions in the Middle East and is also home to the world's first municipal airport. The airport offers regular flights to various Jordan cities and has a number of low cost carriers operating between Amman and Dubai. This airport also offers cheap flights to Jordan and is served by a number of Jordan's major airlines. King Abdullah's mosque is a must-see in Amman and there are a number of excellent hotels in the area.
Wadi Rum is another popular tourist place in Jordan. Found along the banks of the Al-Gabel River, this old trading post was originally built in ancient times and served as a crossing point for traders. Today, visitors can take a boat ride across the Wadi Rum desert or simply grab a camel ride across the plain. A number of Jordan Tours companies offer car rental services here and many of them also offer Jeep rental services. Other popular Jordan destinations include Jordon, inar Al-Umma, Safwat Al-Quds, Hubal, illin, Karakoram and Nahhal Al-Deir.
Damanhour is one of the most popular Jordan Tourist places and is located on the banks of the River Masada. This picturesque oasis is made of limestone and offers a plethora of activities to do during leisure time or while in search of a thrill. The marina, which is around 40m above sea level offers excellent scenic views of the surrounding area. For those who want a taste of adrenaline sports, the "Al Hazra" River is a popular destination as it offers two rock climbing areas. Other activities in the area include cycling, hiking, white water rafting, and jet skiing.
Damanhour is Jordan's largest city and offers some magnificent views of the Nile River Valley. Within walking distance of the city, tourists will find beautiful gardens and buildings that were once the private residence of King Faisal. A number of Bedouin camps are scattered throughout the town and there are also a number of Bedouin villages that offer traditional lifestyle and traditional ways of life. For those planning an excursion during the peak season, it is wise to book a car rental that includes accommodation, meals and sightseeing in one go, which will save them a lot of money. The Jordan Bedouin tribe has kept their traditional lifestyle and customs by bartering for the necessities of their tribe and it is something that is very unique to Jordan.
Many Jordan Car Rentals is in fact owned by foreign nationals who rent out their cars on a daily basis. In this way, tourists can drive around the region at their own pace and determine how long they would like to stay. It is also possible to get special discounts that are extended to tourist groups. The majority of Jordan Car Rentals are usually available through leading car hire companies that are based in Amman, Jordan or other Jordan locations. One of the most popular car rental companies in Jordan is called Avis, which offers a wide range of Jordan Tours from luxury coaches to economy cars for all budgets.
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