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Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's capital city and a federal territory. It is Malaysia's biggest city. It is one of Southeast Asia's fastest expanding metropolitan areas in terms of population and economic growth. Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's cultural, financial, and economic center. It also houses Malaysia's Parliament and the official palace of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Istana Negara.
Kuala Lumpur has a robust road system that is backed by a wide range of public transportation networks, including MRT, LRT, monorail, commuter rail, public buses, hop on & hop off buses (free of charge), and airport rail linkages. Kuala Lumpur is one of the world's leading cities for tourism and shopping, ranking sixth in the world in 2019. Three of the world's ten largest retail malls are located in the city.
The Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Ranking places Kuala Lumpur at No. 70 in the globe and No. 2 in Southeast Asia. UNESCO has designated Kuala Lumpur as the World Book Capital 2020.
Best vacation spots and activities
The Petronas Twin Towers, formerly the highest structures in the world (and remain the tallest twin towers), are the city's most recognizable landmark. Visitors may walk across the Skybridge, one of the world's tallest suspension bridges, and then go even higher to the observation deck near the summit of the towers. It's a good idea to look up the opening hours and buy tickets ahead of time. You can do so by visiting the Towers' official website.
Jamek Mosque is one of Kuala Lumpur's oldest and most magnificent mosques, also known as Masjid Jamek. Jamek, which was built to mimic the opulent Mogul mosques of Northern India, was finished in 1909 and is still used for prayers. The mosque has a capacity of 1,000 people and welcomes guests of all faiths and religions.
The Kuala Lumpur Botanical Garden is a complete municipal district, not just a single location. It has numerous green places, such as the Orchid Garden, Hibiscus Garden, and Deer Garden, where you can watch the animals, as well as attractions like as the National Museum, Islamic Arts Museum, and National Planetarium. Exploring the Botanical Garden area, which is located directly close to the old city center, is one of the highlights of any visit to Kuala Lumpur.
City facts that are useful
Kuala Lumpur has a tropical rainforest climate with relatively little temperature variation throughout the year; the average temperature in May, the warmest month, is 29°C (84°F), and 28°C (82°F). The monsoon season generally lasts from October to March, although even in the comparatively dry months, Kuala Lumpur receives a lot of rain.
Flooding is fairly common, and while it is typically easily dealt with in the capital city, it may be a major problem in more rural regions. So, if you want to travel outside of the city, it's a good idea to stay up to date on the latest weather forecasts.
The city of Kuala Lumpur has a population of around 1.8 million people, while the city's wider metropolitan region has a population of 5.4 million people. This makes it one of Southeast Asia's most populated cities. It is also regularly recognized as one of Asia's safest and most livable cities.
Kuala Lumpur is a city that is multicultural and multireligious. It has several architecturally beautiful houses of worship for adherents of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Chinese folk religion. Most of the city’s inhabitants are native speakers of Bahasa Malaysia or Malay language, but there are also large communities that speak Chinese dialects such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hakka; Indian languages like Tamil and Punjab; and Indonesian languages like Javanese. English proficiency is typically strong, particularly among those employed in the tourist and service industries.
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