Výpůjčka vozu Stavanger - od 8€ denně
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Stavanger is a Norwegian city and municipality. It is Norway's fourth biggest city and third largest metropolitan area, as well as the county seat of Rogaland. The municipality is Norway's fourth most populated. Stavanger, located on the Stavanger Peninsula in southwest Norway, claims 1125 as its official founding year, the year the Stavanger Cathedral was built. Stavanger's center is mostly comprised of 18th- and 19th-century wooden homes that have been preserved and are regarded part of the city's cultural history. This has resulted in the town center and inner city retaining a small-town character, with an exceptionally high number of detached dwellings, and has substantially contributed to the city's population expansion extending to outlying regions of Greater Stavanger.
The city's fast population expansion in the late twentieth century was largely due to Norway's thriving offshore oil sector. Today, the oil sector is important in the Stavanger region, and the city is known as the "Oil Capital of Norway." Equinor, the largest business in the Nordic area, has its headquarters in Stavanger. In Stavanger, there are a number of higher education institutes. The University of Stavanger is the largest of these.
Stavanger is home to both domestic and foreign military sites, notably the NATO Joint Warfare Centre. Other multinational enterprises, particularly local offices of global oil and gas corporations, contribute to the city's large foreign population. Immigrants account for 11.3 percent of the population of Stavanger. Since the early 2000s, Stavanger has continuously had an unemployment rate that is substantially lower than the Norwegian and European averages. The unemployment rate in 2011 was less than 2%. The city is also among those that frequent various lists of expensive cities in the world, and Stavanger has even been ranked as the world's most expensive city by certain indices.
The climate of the city is very mild by Nordic standards due to a strong maritime influence. As a result, winter usually remains above freezing whereas heat waves are rare and seldom long. Rainfall is common, although less so than in areas further north on the coastline.
Stavanger is served by international airport Stavanger Airport, Sola, which offers flights to cities in most major European countries, as well as a limited number of intercontinental charter flights. The airport was named most punctual European regional airport in 2010.
Every two years, Stavanger organizes the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS), which is the second largest exhibition and conference for the energy sector. Gladmat food festival is also held each year and is considered to be one of Scandinavia's leading food festivals. The city is also known for being one of the nation's premier culinary clusters. Stavanger was awarded the 2008 European Capital of Culture alongside Liverpool.
Stavanger One-Way Car Rentals
The following are the most popular one-way rental options for pick-up in Stavanger and drop-off in another city:
From Stavanger to Bergen, prices start at 5725 per day.
From Stavanger to Stockholm, prices start at 10236 per day.
From Stavanger to Oslo, prices start at 8386 per day.
Výhody výpůjčky skrze naši službu
Až do 24-48 hodin do vyzvednutí vozu
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Přibližné denní ceny v Stavanger
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Může pro vás být snazší vrátit vůz v jiném městě. Stačí upravit nastavení vyhledávání a zadat vámi preferované město jako místo vrácení vozu. Následně se vám zobrazí pouze nabídky společností, které umožňují vrácení vozu v jiném městě. V zobrazené ceně je již započítaný tarif.
Řidiči mladší 25 let a starší 70 let platí v rámci výpůjčky poplatek navíc. Sekce Věkové omezení vám poradí s tím, kolik platí řidiči ve vaší věkové skupině.
Ano, můžete si pronajmout auto v Stavanger a vrátit jej na jiném místě za příplatek. Ve vyhledávacím okně vyberte návratové město a vyberte „Vrátit se v jiném městě“.
Ve výsledcích vyhledávání se zobrazí pouze vozidla s touto možností.
Ano, svůj automobil můžete upgradovat prostřednictvím Cars4travel nebo upgradovat v půjčovně.
Můžete si vybrat z celé řady různých forem pokrytí, což může také vést k velkému snížení vašeho vkladu a odpočitatelnosti. Pracovníci pultu v Stavanger vám navíc mohou nabídnout úplné zřeknutí se poškození, které vás ochrání v případě poškození karoserie vozidla.
Pneumatiky a okna jsou však z tohoto nařízení často vyloučeny, proto se poraďte s pracovníkem pultu!
Zásady najetých kilometrů jsou vždy uvedeny v popisu vozidla. Při hledání na našem webu zobrazíte další informace jednoduše kliknutím na Podmínky pronájmu.
Pokud nemůžete své vozidlo vrátit do sjednaného času odjezdu, musíte o tom informovat autopůjčovnu v Stavanger. Pokud auto vrátíte o více než dvě hodiny později, bude vám účtován další den.