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Cascais is a municipality in Portugal's Lisbon District, located on the Portuguese Riviera. In 2011, the population was 206,479 in an area of 97.40 km2. Cascais is a well-known tourist resort. Its harbor holds events like the America's Cup, while the town of Estoril, which is part of the municipality of Cascais, organizes conferences like the Horasis Global Meeting.
Cascais's history as a prominent beach resort dates back to the 1870s, when King Luis I of Portugal and the Portuguese royal family made the coastal town their home every September, drawing members of the Portuguese aristocracy who formed a summer colony there. Cascais is well-known for housing royalty, including King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom while he was the Duke of Windsor, King Juan Carlos I of Spain, and King Umberto II of Italy. Fulgencio Batista, the exiled Cuban president, was also a former resident of the town. The Casino Estoril served as the inspiration for Ian Fleming's first James Bond book, Casino Royale.
The municipality is one of the most prosperous in both Portugal and the Iberian Peninsula. It has one of the most costly real estate markets and one of the highest living costs in the country, yet it routinely ranks high in terms of quality of life.
Some places of interest
Paula Rego's House of Histórias This is a newer museum dedicated to the works of Paula Rego and her husband Victor Willing.
Cascais Cultural Centre is located in Cascais, Portugal. This colorful structure, built on the site of Our Lady of Mercy's old convent, features rotating exhibitions and a modest performance space.
Pinto Coelho's Duarte. The Duarte Pinto Coelho art collection is housed in this old guardhouse of the Condes de Castro Guimares Palace.
Cidadela Arts Center is located in Cidadela, Spain. This is a tiny section of the Citadel of Cascais that allows artists to show and sell their work.
The Exiles Memorial Centre is housed on the first floor of the renowned modernist structure that also houses the Estoril post office. It is a history museum dedicated to the lives of the refugees, exiles, and notables that passed through Portugal and Cascais during WWII.
The Cascais Citadel Palace Museum is located within the Citadel grounds. From 1870 to 1908, it served as the Royal Family's summer house, and it afterwards served as one of the official residences of Portuguese presidents. It reopened as a museum in 2011, following substantial renovation, with an emphasis on the role of Portuguese presidents.
The Condes de Castro Guimares Museum is located in Guimares, Portugal. This was created as a vacation house for an aristocracy and became a museum in 1931. The museum's architecture is eclectic, and it houses paintings, furniture, ceramics, jewelry, and a neo-Gothic organ.
Santa Maria's House This was created for the same individual who commissioned the Condes de Castro Guimares Museum. Both are situated on the shores of a tiny marine cove. It was purchased by the Municipality of Cascais in October 2004 and is notable mostly for its design and wall tiles.
Museum of lighthouses. This is incorporated into the Santa Marta Lighthouse, which is located close to the Casa de Santa Maria. Examples of lighthouse lenses and other equipment may be seen, and the lighthouse can be climbed at specific times.
Casa Sommer is a prestigious private house that has been transformed into a history museum. It also serves as a home for the Municipal Archives. It is the Quarter's newest museum, having opened in 2016.
The Museum of the Sea opened in 1992. It has a number of displays that depict Cascais's beginnings as a fishing community.
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