Výpůjčka vozu San Sebastian - od 8€ denně
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San Sebastián, also known as Donostia, is a coastal city and municipality in Spain's Basque Autonomous Community. It is located 20 kilometers from the French border on the coast of the Bay of Biscay.
Because it is one of Spain's most historically famous tourist destinations, the main economic activities are almost entirely service-based, with an emphasis on commerce and tourism. Despite its small size, events like the San Sebastián International Film Festival and the San Sebastian Jazz Festival have given the city an international flavor. San Sebastián, along with Wrocaw, Poland, was designated as the 2016 European Capital of Culture.
Euskotren Trena, the main Basque rail operator, serves the city. Euskotren Trena operates trains to and from Bilbao, as well as the Metro Donostialdea and Cercanas San Sebastián within the San Sebastián metropolitan area. There are frequent trains from Madrid to Hendaye, France, via San Sebastián railway station, which is connected to the French rail network. San Sebastián Airport, located in the nearby municipality of Hondarribia, also serves the city. There are currently no international flights from San Sebastián Airport. Biarritz Airport in France is about 50 kilometers from San Sebastian.
San Sebastián has a vibrant cultural scene, where grass-roots initiatives in various parts of the city, as well as concerted private and public synergy, have paved the way for a diverse range of possibilities and events catering to the tastes of a diverse and select public. The city was chosen as the European Capital of Culture for 2016 with the basic motto "Waves of people's energy," which sums up a clear message: people and citizen movements are the true driving force behind transformations and changes in the world.
All year long, events ranging from traditional city festivals to music, theater, or cinema take place, but they thrive especially in the summer. San Sebastián's Jazz Festival, Europe's longest-running jazz festival, takes place in the last week of July. Gigs are held in various locations throughout the city, sometimes with free admission. The Musical Fortnight, which runs for at least fifteen days into August and features classical music concerts, is up next. The San Sebastián International Film Festival, which has been running for more than 50 years and is centered on the Kursaal and the Victoria Eugenia Theatre, takes center stage in September. San Telmo Museoa, a major cultural institution with ethnographic, artistic, and civic vocations, is also located in the city.
Street Zinema is an international audiovisual festival exploring contemporary art and urban cultures that adheres to cinematic language but lacks its echo. Other local events include the October Horror and Fantasy Festival and the Surfilm Festibal, a film festival featuring surfing footage, particularly shorts. Throughout the centuries, the city has been open to many influences, many of which have left a mark, often mingling with local customs and traditions and eventually resulting in festivals and new customs.
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Řidiči mladší 25 let a starší 70 let platí v rámci výpůjčky poplatek navíc. Sekce Věkové omezení vám poradí s tím, kolik platí řidiči ve vaší věkové skupině.
Ano. Je to možné - můžete si vzít auto na San Sebastian a vrátit ho v jiném městě za příplatek.
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Chcete -li maximalizovat pokrytí, důrazně vám doporučujeme získat úplné pokrytí. Jelikož budete pojištěni mezinárodní společností, nabízíme nejlepší ceny a během doby pronájmu v San Sebastian budete mnohem bezpečnější.
Většina autopůjčoven umožňuje neomezený počet najetých kilometrů, zatímco některé omezují počet najetých kilometrů za den nebo za dobu pronájmu (zejména pro delší pronájmy). V podmínkách pronájmu každého vozu vidíte, zda je počet kilometrů omezený nebo neomezený.
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