Økonomisk -leiebil Brunei Darussalam
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How to Save on Car Rental in Brunei
In this article we will talk about how to save on car rental in Brunei Darussalam. Driving through any of the major cities in Brunei can be a very fun experience, especially when driving on the smooth roads of Sultan Qaboos mosque. Driving through the small country towns in the area is also a very unique experience as you get the feel of the old country living. Although there is not much to do in these small towns, driving here and there through the popular destinations in Brunei can be a great experience for both local residents and foreign tourists.
Most people are very happy with the car rental facilities available at the numerous foreign driven hotels in Brunei. The driving ranges from economy car rentals to luxury cars depending upon the requirements of the tourist. Most of the hotels provide free pick-up and drop off points and also arrange for the car to be cleaned after use. The car is usually serviced throughout the day in the fully air-conditioned cars. However, if you want to take a tour around the islands you will need to pay an extra fee for this as the tours are pre-arranged and are part of the package.
The driving in these cities is quite good but not up to the standards of the bigger cities. The roads are well lit and you can negotiate the speed limits, but on the whole the drive is not as safe as it could have been. There is a high risk of being involved in accidents while driving in these countries due to the poor road conditions, traffic jams etc. However, on the other hand, there are some fantastic driving conditions in places like Grande Beach, Candu Bay and Alila Beach. These places along with the other popular tourist areas in Brunei are among the top ten safest destinations to drive in the country.
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