Billig leiebil Irland - fra 10 €/dag
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How to Save on Car Rental in Ireland
If you are planning to visit Ireland, it is quite obvious that you would want to know how to save on car rental in Ireland. Car hire is one of the most commonly used modes of transport around the Emerald Isle and the capital city of Dublin is considered to be the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world. There are several ways to book a car on an out-of-town flight to Ireland but you need to know how to get great deals on cheap Irish car hire. Here are some of the most popular cities in Ireland where you can find budget car rental deals for your holiday trip.
Cork - This is one of the most popular cities in Ireland as it is located in the North of Ireland, only a few hours away from the United Kingdom. The Capital City of Cork also offers budget airlines that offer economy and basic class flights. There are many events and festivals during the year when visitors from abroad visit Cork for a day or weekend.
Galway - Travelling from Ireland to Galway could not be easier as there are direct flights from Cork to Galway via London. From Cork airport, travellers need to book car hire in Ireland through Cork airport car hire agents. The car rental rates offered by the car rental agents in Cork are very competitive and affordable. You can also make your reservations over the phone if you have any doubts or inquiries about the facilities offered by the car rental company. You can compare the rates and facilities available by looking at the online discount deals available from car rental companies.
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Anslåtte dagspriser
Finn ut hvor mye en daglig leie ville koste på Irland basert på bilklassen.
Hvilke dokumenter trenger du for å leie bil?
Et gyldig internasjonalt førerkort kreves.
Nærmeste flyplasser
Du kan returnere et kjøretøy til en annen by. Bare søk etter like tilbud ved å skrive inn ønsket returby. Det er bare tilbud fra selskaper som tillater at retur i en annen by vil vises i søkeresultatene. En enveis tariff er allerede inkludert i den nevnte prisen.
Vær oppmerksom på at sjåfører under 25 år og over 70 år må betale en tilleggsavgift. Gå til aldersbegrensninger området for å finne ut hvordan en sjåfør i aldersgruppen din blir belastet når du bestiller.