Økonomisk -leiebil Siracusa
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Syracuse is the seat of the Italian province of Syracuse and a historic city on the Italian island of Sicily. The city is famous for its rich Greek and Roman history, culture, amphitheatres, and architecture, as well as being the birthplace of the great mathematician and engineer Archimedes. This 2,700-year-old city was a prominent player in ancient times, when it was one of the Mediterranean world's great powers. Syracuse is located in the southeast corner of Sicily, adjacent to the Gulf of Syracuse and the Ionian Sea. It is positioned on a steep rise of land with 2,000 meter depths near to the city offshore, despite the fact that the city itself is not particularly mountainous in contrast.
Ancient Greek Corinthians and Teneans established the city, which grew into a strong city-state.
UNESCO has designated the city, together with the Pantalica Necropolis, as a World Heritage Site in the contemporary era. Syracuse is referenced in the Bible in the book of Acts of the Apostles at 28:12, where Paul stayed. Saint Lucy is the city's patron saint; she was born in Syracuse, and her feast day, Saint Lucy's Day, is observed on December 13th.
Syracuse's monuments and archeological sites are the best examples of exceptional architectural creativity spanning various cultural elements; Greek, Roman, and Baroque, and as a result, Ancient Syracuse was closely related to events, ideas, and literary works of remarkable worldwide value.
Some noteworthy sights
The Temple of Apollo in Piazza Emanuele Pancali was converted into a church during Byzantine control and then into a mosque during Arab rule.
The Arethusa Fountain on Ortygia Island. According to mythology, the nymph Arethusa sought refuge here while being pursued by Alpheus.
The Greek Theatre, with 67 rows split into nine sections and eight aisles, is one of the biggest caveas ever erected by the ancient Greeks. There are just remnants of the scene and the orchestra left. The structure (which is still in use today) was renovated by the Romans, who fitted it to their own type of shows, which included circus activities. The latome, stone quarries near the theatre, were also used as prisons in ancient times. The Orecchio di Dionisio is the most well-known latoma ("Ear of Dionysius").
The amphitheatre of the Romans. It was cut partially out of the rock. A rectangular space in the center of the area was utilized for the scenic machinery.
Archimede's Tomb at the Grotticelli Necropolis. Two Doric columns adorn the façade.
The Temple of Olympian Zeus, constructed in the 6th century BC, is about 3 kilometers (2 miles) outside the city.
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