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Santiago is a fantastic city to visit. It is a lovely and ancient city noted for its monasteries, churches, and squares. It is also a world-famous stop on the Way of St. James. It is Galicia's capital, and from here you can easily access the region's stunning and rocky beaches, big cities like Coruna and Vigo, or even neighboring Portugal.

Renting a One-Way Car in Santiago de Compostela

The following are the most common one-way rental choices for pick-up in Santiago de Compostela and drop-off in another city:

From Santiago de Compostela to A Corua, prices start at € 23 per day.
From Santiago de Compostela to Bilbao, prices start at € 25 per day.
From Santiago de Compostela to Seville, prices start at € 25 per day.
From Santiago de Compostela to Alicante, prices start at € 25 per day.

City facts that are useful

Santiago de Compostela has an oceanic climate despite not being on the coast. Visitors should not anticipate Mediterranean weather like that of Barcelona or the Costa del Sol; Galicia is a much more moderate and wet region (this also means that the vegetation is a lot more green and lush). Some visitors have described the area as "a little warmer Scotland." In August, the hottest month, the average high temperature is 25°C (77°F), while in January, the average high temperature is 8°C (46°F). Precipitation is at its peak from October to January, with a few snowy days every other year. The driest months are July and August.

Santiago de Compostela is well-known across the globe as the last destination of the Camino de Santiago, often known as the Way of St. James. The city is said to be the last resting place of Saint James the Greater, one of Jesus Christ's twelve apostles. The Camino de Santiago, a Catholic pilgrimage route that has been in use since at least the 9th century, is today made up of several distinct routes that cross many European nations, though most paths still culminate in Santiago. It is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The route, which has grown in popularity in recent years, attracted more than 300,000 pilgrims in 2018.

Galicia is a multilingual area having official languages in both Spanish and Galician. Although closely linked to Spanish, Galician is a distinct language with a high degree of mutual intelligibility with Portuguese. Galician is a mother tongue and the first language of about 30% of Santiago's residents. If you know Spanish, don't worry; almost everyone else in the region does as well. The region's knowledge of English varies; it is fairly high in cities like Santiago, particularly among those working in the service and tourist sectors, but it may be quite poor in rural towns and villages.

Best vacation spots and activities

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Whether or not the apostle St. James is buried here, the Cathedral is one of the city's most prominent and magnificent icons. The cathedral, which is a combination of Romanesque, Gothic, and Baroque styles, was built in the 11th century, although it has undergone substantial renovations several times since then. Tourists are permitted to visit Saint James' (or Santiago's) tomb, which is located just underneath the Cathedral.

Obradoiro Plaza. Santiago's center square, formerly a stonemasons' workplace, is where walkers of the Camino de Santiago end their journey. The square lies close to the city's Cathedral, although there are many other notable landmarks nearby, including Gelmrez Palace and Rajoy Palace, as well as the San Jerónimo College and Catholic Kings Hostal, which accommodates incoming pilgrims.

Galician People's Museum is a museum dedicated to the people of Galicia. Museo do Pobo Galego, housed in an ancient monastery, is the finest site to learn about the distinct Galician people. Many displays on Galicia's maritime and fishing history, traditional clothing, and regional art, as well as archaeological relics reaching back to ancient history, can be found at the museum.

Day-trip Suggestions

A Corua is a city in Spain. A Corua, a big and ancient city on the Atlantic Ocean's coast, entices visitors with a plethora of activities. Its attractive Cidade Vella, or Old Town, has attractions like as the Archaeological Museum and Santa Mara Church, which houses the Museum of Sacred Art. On the shore, the Tower of Hercules is a 2nd century Roman-built lighthouse that is frequently considered to be the world's oldest lighthouse, while A Corua's Paseo Maritimo is one of Europe's most beautiful coastal promenades. You may also drive to neighboring Castro de Elvia, a Roman (and even pre-Roman) town where many notable archaeological remains have been discovered. A Corua is about an hour's drive north of Santiago de Compostela and is well worth a visit if you're in Galicia.

Pontevedra. Pontevedra, a seaside city on the Portuguese border, has been inhabited since prehistory; Ancient Greek marine traders frequented the place, as did the Romans afterwards. Pontevedra is now known for its stunning gothic and baroque cathedrals, numerous medieval squares, expansive gardens, and Placeres and Pontesampaio, two of the best beaches on the Spanish Atlantic Coast. Pontevedra is around 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of Santiago and can be reached in less than an hour.

National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. This is one of Spain's most interesting national parks, consisting of the tiny archipelagos of Ces, Ons, and Cortegada. It is noted for its diverse flora and bird species, as well as its ability to attract sea animals like as whales, orcas, dolphins, and basking sharks. You cannot drive there, but you may drive to the mainland harbours of Vigo, Bueu, or Sanxenxo and catch a ferry from there.

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