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How to Save on Car Rental in Sri Lanka

Travelling to another country requires money, and budget travelers can often find themselves in tight situations when budgeting for vacation expenses. How to save on car rental in Sri Lanka is a question many travellers ponder, especially when visiting one of the more popular tourist destinations in Sri Lanka, such as Galle, Thellinga or Port Louis. Car rentals are commonplace in most of these popular tourist areas. However, there are ways to save when renting a car in any destination, as long as you know what to look for. In this article, we'll show you some of the top places to find discount prices on car rentals.

Galle is Sri Lanka's most popular destination, and is a must-see location no matter how you decide to spend your time there. The natural landscape of the island is picturesque with plenty of lush greenery all around. Some of the most popular sights include the Lion Statue on the outskirts of town, the Bamboo Island observatory and the National Library. A popular road called the Silver Lance goes around most of the area, and visitors can take advantage of it to take a ride down the famed Queen Elizabeth Falls. Other popular tourist places in Galle include Diamond Caves and the Marine National Park.

The capital city combo is also home to other popular tourist places. It has a historic museum that includes a replica of King Tonga's fortress and the world's oldest parliament building. There are many historical sites to be explored in the city, and many interesting ruins of ancient buildings litter the streets. Another great place to check out in the city is the Galle Plateau, which overlooks the Indian Ocean and includes a national park for nature lovers. Other popular places to visit include Anuradhapura, Kandy and Nuwara El Grande, all of which are home to different ethnic groups.

The east coast is one of the most popular tourist spots in Sri Lanka. The region is home to many popular beaches including Kandy beach, Bambakkara, Cherbourg, Fort St George and Port Louis. Most of these beaches have white sand, which adds an exotic touch to the beach experience. Popular beach activities in the area include snorkeling, diving and swimming.

The west coast of Sri Lanka is not as visited as the east. However, it still has its share of attractions and activities. It is home to many tropical gardens and beautiful landscapes. Most visitors to this part of the island come here to watch the sunsets over the ocean or to see the lovely colored fish swimming in the marine park. Other popular activities here include snorkeling, camping, hiking and elephant safari.

The north western part of the island is a hot spot for tourists. This is where the capital city of Nuwara El Au comes into view. This part of the island features lush green hills and mountain streams, which allow travelers to take a walk in a natural setting. The most popular sightseeing activities in this part of the island include trekking, elephant safaris, Jeep safaris, bird watching, diving and water sports. Other activities that you can enjoy while taking a car hire in Sri Lanka include paragliding, kayaking, rafting, camping and canoeing.

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Dokumenter som kreves for leie av bil

1. Førerkort
2. Kredittkort
3. Kupong
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Kredittkort og innskuddsdetaljer

Godtatt: MasterCard, Maestro og Visa kredittkort (ikke debet- eller forskuddsbetalte)

Du har lest vilkårene og funnet ut at et kredittkort kreves, men du har ikke et. Før du gjør noe, gå til og slå opp typen på ditt nåværende debetkort. Noen banker utsteder kredittkort i form av debetkort uten grense.

Gå tilbake til et annet sted

Du kan returnere et kjøretøy til en annen by. Bare søk etter like tilbud ved å skrive inn ønsket returby. Det er bare tilbud fra selskaper som tillater at retur i en annen by vil vises i søkeresultatene. En enveis tariff er allerede inkludert i den nevnte prisen.


Vær oppmerksom på at sjåfører under 25 år og over 70 år må betale en tilleggsavgift. Gå til aldersbegrensninger området for å finne ut hvordan en sjåfør i aldersgruppen din blir belastet når du bestiller.

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Sammenlign prisene våre og spar penger

Når du har bestemt feriedatoene og bekreftet dem, bør du reservere leiebilen din så snart som mulig.        

Det er vanligvis lurt å planlegge på forhånd men det er mulig å leie i siste liten. Det er enorme internasjonale aktører som Sixt eller Budget som har tilstedeværelse i nesten alle land, men det er også mindre med billigere priser.

Som et resultat, for hver biltur, ser vi etter de største rabattene ved å sammenligne respektable kjente merker og lokale spesielt med ønsket hentested.

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