Genève: Lei en bil fra 8€/per dag

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While Geneva is a world-class city in its own right, most visitors do not come for the city alone. Geneva, located in the middle of a tourism area, acts as a gateway to not only other parts of Switzerland, but also France. Driving along Lake Geneva's coast, wandering through the vineyards perched above it, getting lost in the French and Swiss Alps, or skiing at one or more of the surrounding area's world-class resorts are all reasons to visit Geneva, hire a vehicle, and enjoy the gorgeous, tranquil landscape.

Renting a One-Way Car in Geneva

The following are the most common one-way rental choices for pick-up in Geneva and drop-off in another city:

From Geneva to Zurich, prices start at € 55 per day.
From Geneva to Basel, prices start at €58 per day.
From Geneva to Marseille, prices start at €108 per day.
From Geneva to Nice, prices start at €108 per day.

City facts that are useful

The climate of Geneva is moderate, with four distinct seasons. Summers are typically warm to hot, resulting in a large number of people swimming in Lake Geneva. Winters in the city are moderate, with temperatures falling below freezing at night and rising above zero during the day. There may be snow in the city throughout the winter, although it is unlikely to last long. The mountains that surround the city, on the other hand, receive significant amounts of snow and are ideal for skiing; however, keep in mind that the quantity of snowfall at lower elevations is difficult to estimate, and lifts in these regions may not run at certain times if there isn't enough.

Geneva is a historic city that was formed before the Romans conquered it in the second century BC. It eventually became Christian and received its first bishop in the fifth century AD. During the Middle Ages, it was a province of the Holy Roman Empire. Hundreds of Protestant Reformation pilgrims arrived in the city during the 1500s, and John Calvin and others established Calvinism in the city.

Geneva's road to becoming an international metropolis began with the city being the headquarters of the League of Nations and continued after WWII with the United Nations offices and many other international organizations settling in the city. Today, the city is still regarded as an international hub.

Best vacation spots and activities

CERN - The European Organization for Nuclear Research (Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire in French) maintains the world's biggest particle physics laboratory just outside of Geneva on the French border. The facility is notable for the Large Hadron Collider, which was designed to perform experiments testing particle physics hypotheses, including the finding and measurement of the Higgs Boson. Universe of Particles, a trip through the ideas of particle physics and the Big Bang that the facility intends to explore, and Microcosm, which describes what really happens in the particle accelerator, are both free displays at the site. Guided tours in French and English lasting two or three hours are also offered, but must be reserved in advance. Near the Globe, there is a free parking area.

The Vieille Ville, or Old Town, is located on a hill in the heart of the city. At the top of the hill, the St Pierre Cathedral, was a Catholic cathedral but now a Protestant church, stands. The tower may be ascended by ascending the 157 steps to the top, where tourists can enjoy a panoramic view of the city and lake. Under the Cathedral is an archaeological site with visible artifacts dating back millennia. The rest of the old town is lovely, with antique stores, cafés, and wine bars, and is well worth exploring for two hours to a whole day.

Swimming - Because of its location on the Rhone River and Lake Geneva, there are several locations to swim in the summer, both within and outside of the city. The Bains des Pâquis is the city's most popular bathing area. In addition to swimming in the lake for a nominal fee, saunas and a Turkish bath are available (hammam). The tiny Baby- Plage on the other side of the lake is a modest but extremely popular beach. Swimming with a view of the Jet d'Eau and the promenade of expensive hotels is definitely appealing, but there are numerous smaller, less crowded swimming sites outside of the city.

Palais des Nations - The United Nations at Geneva is the UN's second biggest headquarters, hosting over 10,000 intergovernmental meetings every year. The office is housed in the Palais des Nations, which was erected in the 1930s to house the League of Nations. The campus is open for a one-hour guided tour in both French and English. Other languages may be available; tourists may enquire at the Visitor's Center. In addition to displaying the structure, Guides provide information about the United Nations' present operations as well as the history of the League of Nations.

Quartier des Grottes - Grottes is a unique area located on the other side of the railroad lines from the main train station. The Schtroumph Buildings, as well as the eccentric businesses, are well-known in the area. The French term for Smurfs is schtroumph. The style of the buildings is distinctive, with odd shapes and brilliant colors. The buildings form a ring around Gaudi's structures. Of course, the structures are private houses, so view them from the sidewalk with respect.

Museums - Geneva is home to a number of world-class museums. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, located near the Palais des Nations, teaches visitors about the history and operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross, a humanitarian organization established in Geneva. The Natural History Museum is free and focuses on Switzerland's environment. The Art and History Museum, one of Switzerland's largest museums, houses pieces of art from important eras as well as historical items spanning most of Western Civilization. Finally, the International Museum of the Reformation, which is located close to Saint-Pierre Cathedral, chronicles the history of the Geneva Reformation as led by John Calvin.

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Vær oppmerksom på at sjåfører under 25 år og over 70 år må betale en tilleggsavgift. Gå til aldersbegrensninger området for å finne ut hvordan en sjåfør i aldersgruppen din blir belastet når du bestiller.

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Det er vanligvis lurt å planlegge på forhånd men det er mulig å leie i siste liten. Det er enorme internasjonale aktører som Sixt eller Budget som har tilstedeværelse i nesten alle land, men det er også mindre med billigere priser.

Som et resultat, for hver biltur, ser vi etter de største rabattene ved å sammenligne respektable kjente merker og lokale spesielt med ønsket hentested.

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Er det mulig å bestille enveis leiebil på Genève

Ja. Det er mulig - du kan ta en bil på Genève og returnere den i en annen by mot et pristillegg.

Er det mulig å oppgradere reservasjonen min?

Ja, du kan enten oppgradere bilen din ved å ringe Cars4travel på forhånd, eller du kan oppgradere når du kommer til utleiebordet på Genève for å informere billeverandøren om kostnad og tilgjengelighet.

Hvilken ytterligere dekning kan jeg kjøpe på utleiekontoret?

I tillegg til å gjøre innskuddet og egenandelen mindre, kan du også velge en av flere typer dekning som kan redusere innskuddet og egenandelen betraktelig.
Grunnleggende forsikring dekker ikke alltid dekk og vinduer, så spør skranke -medarbeiderne Genève om de er inkludert.
For å maksimere dekningen oppfordrer vi deg sterkt til å få hele dekselet vårt alder.

Hva er kjørelengdepolitikken din?

Mens flertallet av bilutleiefirmaene på Genève tilbyr ubegrenset kjørelengde, krever noen ekstra avgifter for ytterligere kilometer. Du kan se leiebetingelsene for hvert kjøretøy for å avgjøre om kjørelengde er begrenset eller ubegrenset.

Kan jeg returnere en bil etter min opprinnelige avleveringstid?

Hvis du ikke klarer å returnere bilen din til avtalt avleveringstidspunkt, er det første du bør gjøre å varsle bilutleiefirmaet. Du vil bli belastet for en ekstra dag og kanskje et gebyr hvis du er mer enn to timer forsinket eller ikke informerer utleiefirmaet på forhånd.