Leiebil Odessa Flyplass - fra 8€/per dag

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Important information about car hire in Odessa airport

Odessa airport

Address: Odesa, Odessa region, Ukraine

Phone: +380 48 790 7000

The Odessa Vehicle Rental Guide is a one-stop shop for car rentals in Odessa. We show you quotes from the most reputable Odessa car rental companies and allow you to select and reserve your vehicle in real time. After evaluating the pricing and fleet possibilities of local vehicle rentals, you can decide who to book with.

The Odessa Car Rental Guide works with all major car rental companies and negotiates with local agencies in Odessa to provide the best car rental pricing and service for all Odessa locations.

As a result, our clients can be confident that they will always receive the best pricing and service for their Odessa car rental.

You can compare our rates and book your car rental in Odessa in 3 minutes, and you will find that we are generally far less costly than reserving directly with the companies.

Odessa is a Black Sea port city in southern Ukraine. It is well-known for its beaches and 19th-century architecture, including as the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre. The enormous Potemkin Steps and their Vorontsov Lighthouse, famous in "The Battleship Potemkin," lead down to the coastline. The magnificent Primorsky Boulevard, which runs parallel to the lake and is flanked by Mansi, is a well-known promenade.

Odessa is noted for its cowboy past, the legion of oil rigs that tower on top of arid plains, and Friday Night Lights, a novel and film about one of the town's high school football teams. But there's more to this West Texas community than meets the eye. Odessa is a significant educational and cultural hub. It has a university, which was created in 1865, as well as a number of other higher education institutions.

The most prestigious scientific institute is the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. There are a few museums and theaters dating back to 1809, including the opera house and ballet theater. The coastline south of the harbor, with its numerous sanatoriums and vacation camps, is a popular tourist destination.

Because of its location on the Black Sea, Odessa is largely associated with summer tourism. It is also a renowned gastro-tourism destination due to its abundance of restaurants and cafés. There are several excellent restaurants in this area, suitable for a quick bite to eat or a lavish supper.

One of the most popular beaches in Odesa. It is flanked by cafés and restaurants. So, if you're going to be on the beach for the entire day, you don't have to bother about where to have lunch. As a result, the location is perfect for families with children. There are also various play yards and children's activities. Delphinium is also nearby. Couples like the location as well.

It is not by chance that Odessa has become the most popular vacation city in Ukraine, since there is something for everyone, including not only the sea and great beaches, but also entertainment. This city never sleeps in Odessa dances all year round and enjoys fun in numerous Odessa Night Clubs giving relaxation for all budgets and tastes.

Odessa Nightlife is diverse: beach clubs with lively night parties by the water, closed clubs with pretentious VIP parties for the elite guests, strip bars with the most beautiful women, art cafes, karaoke shops, restaurants and bars open 24 hours, where you can not only enjoy a delicious meal and friendly company, but also dance or listen to music, folklore.

Odessa Airport is a popular vehicle rental location, with many car rental firms offering a wide choice of different automobile types. Many of our clients have rented a car at Odessa Airport and had a positive experience. Do not reserve your automobile for Odessa Airport until you know that rates will rise and availability will be limited.

The rental vehicle guide is a price comparison website for all big and minor car rental businesses in Odessa Airport, which means we can provide you with the best car rental rates. Please keep in mind that pricing and vehicle availability are continuously changing, and the longer you wait to reserve your vehicle, the more expensive it will be.

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1. Førerkort
2. Kredittkort
3. Kupong
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Et gyldig internasjonalt førerkort kreves.

Utleieplasser i nærliggende områder

Sjekk de beste leiebiltilbudene i nærheten


Betal for reservasjonen med et MasterCard-, Visa- eller Maestro -kort. MERK FØLGENDE! Du kan trenge et kredittkort når du mottar en bil, og du får ikke lov til å bruke et debetkort. Mer informasjon om detaljer på forhånd finnes i delen Betalingsmåter.

Kredittkort og innskuddsdetaljer

Godtatt: MasterCard, Maestro og Visa kredittkort (ikke debet- eller forskuddsbetalte)

Du har lest vilkårene og funnet ut at et kredittkort kreves, men du har ikke et. Før du gjør noe, gå til www.bindb.com og slå opp typen på ditt nåværende debetkort. Noen banker utsteder kredittkort i form av debetkort uten grense.

Gå tilbake til et annet sted

Du kan returnere et kjøretøy til en annen by. Bare søk etter like tilbud ved å skrive inn ønsket returby. Det er bare tilbud fra selskaper som tillater at retur i en annen by vil vises i søkeresultatene. En enveis tariff er allerede inkludert i den nevnte prisen.


Vær oppmerksom på at sjåfører under 25 år og over 70 år må betale en tilleggsavgift. Gå til aldersbegrensninger området for å finne ut hvordan en sjåfør i aldersgruppen din blir belastet når du bestiller.

Få fantastiske tilbud på leiebil

Sammenlign prisene våre og spar penger

Når du har bestemt feriedatoene og bekreftet dem, bør du reservere leiebilen din så snart som mulig.        

Det er vanligvis lurt å planlegge på forhånd men det er mulig å leie i siste liten. Det er enorme internasjonale aktører som Sixt eller Budget som har tilstedeværelse i nesten alle land, men det er også mindre med billigere priser.

Som et resultat, for hver biltur, ser vi etter de største rabattene ved å sammenligne respektable kjente merker og lokale spesielt med ønsket hentested.

4.8 / 5
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Har du enveis bilutleie alternativer på Odessa Flyplass

Generelt tilbyr de fleste selskapene enveis utleie.
Ikke glem at når du velger enveis, er det normalt en ekstra kostnad.

Kan jeg oppgradere reservasjonen?

Ja, bilen du har reservert kan normalt oppgraderes.
Enten kan du oppdatere reservasjonen på forhånd ved å bruke Cars4travel, eller du kan oppgradere på utleiekontoret i Odessa Flyplass.

Hvilken ekstra dekning kan jeg kjøpe?

Hvis du ikke kjøper full dekning eller annen forsikring fra leasingselskapet, tar leiebilen bare minimalt.

Hva er min leiepolitikk for kjørelengde?

De fleste bilutleiefirmaer tillater ubegrenset kjørelengde, mens noen begrenser kjørelengde per dag eller per leietid (spesielt for lengre utleie). Under leiebetingelsene for hver bil kan du se om kjørelengde er begrenset eller ubegrenset.

Kan jeg returnere en bil senere enn planlagt?

Det er svært viktig å informere et bilutleiefirma hvis du ikke klarer å levere bilen din på avtalt avgangstid. Hvis du returnerer en bil mer enn to timer forsinket, blir du belastet en ekstra dag.