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How To Save On Car Rental In Vietnam

A trip to Vietnam would not be complete without exploring its popular tourist spots. There are countless small towns and villages along the coast that offer the best of what a vacation spot can offer. While some people would want to take their cars on the back of a pickup truck, others would rather rent a car to get around and see more of the area. Whether the preferred method is by foot or by car, there are plenty of options to discover in one of the most popular destinations in Vietnam.

The most popular tourist places in Vietnam are the Mekong Delta and the Gulf of Tonkin. With their long beaches, lush tropical forests and numerous diving sites, the Mekong Delta truly deserves the name "the beach on Earth." A trip aboard the floating pontoon known as the Spirit of Da Lat will allow travelers to marvel at the breathtakingly beautiful coral reefs and vistas. Other stops on the itinerary include the scenic town of Mui Ne, which offer lush tropical forests; the historic city of Hoi An, which is famous for its pagodas and other historical landmarks; and the Pacific Ocean-based city of Hanoi, which offer an abundance of diving spots.

Another hot spot on a Vietnam trip is the Gulf of Thailand, which boasts more than three dozen islands and offers even more fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities. It's a great way to explore the rich flora and fauna along with the rich culture of this Southeast Asian country. Another popular attraction in the Gulf of Thailand is Phu Si island, which is a great base for a visit to nearby Ang Thong island. Here, tourists can experience the thrill of kayaking through a network of canals and rivers. Kayaking in the Gulf of Thailand also offers a unique chance to observe abundant wildlife.

Another seaside destination worth exploring is the Ha Long Bay. Like most Asian cities, Ha Long Bay offers ample lodging options, from backpackers' accommodations to luxurious beach resorts. There are numerous winery tours in the region, including one that highlights the history and architecture of the region's past rulers. A stay at one of these luxury hotels would guarantee a truly memorable trip.

A must-see in an informative tour of Vietnam is Hue. Although most travelers to Vietnam know it best as a battlefield, it should also be viewed as a beautiful city, replete with museums and ancient buildings. The main Cathedral, a striking Gothic structure, is the tallest building in all of South Vietnam. In addition to the towering structure, there are beautiful gardens, streets, and architecture throughout the city. How to save on car rental in Vietnam by avoiding the central district of Hue, which is the center of government, and instead going to the quieter, less traveled sections of the city. This will allow a traveler to see Hue more easily and comfortably.

Hanoi is a historic city with beautiful architecture, and a worthy stop for any Vietnam tour. The Hoan Kiem Lake, or "Lagao Lake," is sacred to the Vietnamese, as it is where the country's founding father, Emperor Ngo Dinh visited his beloved wife before his departure for the country. Hanoi offers many excellent restaurants, as well as galleries, modern architecture, and museums. A private tour of the entire city, along with the surrounding countryside, is a must for anyone interested in ancient cultures, ancient ruins, and Vietnam itself.

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