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Kavarna is a Black Sea coastal town and seaside resort in northeastern Bulgaria's Dobruja region. It is 64 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of Varna, 49 kilometers (30 miles) from Dobrich on the international road E87, and 43 kilometers (27 miles) south of the Romanian border. It is the main town of Kavarna Municipality, which is part of Dobrich Province. The town has a population of 11,397 people as of December 2009. The town has a small yacht port, a fishing base, a large beach, and a resort complex. A few kilometers to the east is the iconic Cape Kaliakra, as well as the little coastal town of Rusalka. Three 18-hole golf courses are being built nearby, together with villa complexes and marinas. Two of the courses were designed by Gary Player, and one by Ian Woosnam.
During the 2000s, the town became well-known for hosting the annual Kaliakra Rock Fest, which included well-known rock musicians from across the world.
Museums and monuments
A small maritime museum, the Dobruja and the Sea Display. It is housed in a roughly restored Turkish bath, the Hamam. It was constructed in the early 15th century and symbolizes a large beehive spa made of stone, located at the entrance of the valley leading to the port and half a kilometer away from the town center. Many stone anchors, amphorae, and ceramics discovered during underwater archaeological expeditions are on display. The Treasure House Hall displays coins from various epochs as well as a golden Thracian treasure. The ancient and mediaeval color painting expands our ideas about ancient navigation along the coasts of Dobruja.
The Town Museum is housed in the town library's building. Materials illustrating the town's thousand-year history are presented in the exposition. Evidence of people's lives in the region since ancient times is shown here. A prehistoric cave-dwelling model, several tools, weapons, rifles, and pistols from the War of Liberation, and ethnographic objects – clothes, finery, and folk-style fabric — are also on display.
The Ethnographic Museum is modeled after an ancient home from the late 1800s that formerly belonged to a wealthy family. Its interior displays the habits and culture of the people who live in that region of the nation; premises characteristic of Dobruja dwellings, cultural instruments, and the people's daily routine. A garden with mulberry trees, peonies, and tulips surrounds the structure.
The town has two churches, both of which are in the town center. The Church of Saint George was erected in 1836, and the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in 1860. Both cathedrals were major educational and cultural sites during Ottoman control and after the liberation.
There were a total of 12 spring fountains located down the valley to the port. Some of them were destroyed, while the rest were just repaired. A tiny river is formed by the large volume of spring water.
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