Výpůjčka vozu Grosseto - od 8€ denně
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Grosseto is the capital of the Province of Grosseto and is located in the central Italian region of Tuscany. The settlement is located 14 kilometers from the Tyrrhenian Sea in Maremma, in the middle of an alluvial plain on the Ombrone river.
With 82,284 residents, it is Maremma's most populous city. The frazioni of Marina di Grosseto, the largest, Roselle, Principina a Mare, Principina Terra, Montepescali, Braccagni, Istia d'Ombrone, Batignano, Alberese, and Rispescia make up the comune of Grosseto.
The most important sights
The Medicean Walls - commissioned by Cosimo I de Medici in 1564 to replace those from the 12th-14th centuries as part of his policy of creating Grosseto a bastion to secure his southern frontier, the walls were built to replace those from the 12th-14th centuries. Baldassarre Lanci designed the structure, and building began in 1565. Until 1757, the exterior was encircled by an earthen moat and a ditch. Porta Nuova on the north and Porta Reale (now Porta Vecchia) on the south were the two principal gates. The walls are now used as a park and walking area for the public.
The city's principal monument, the Romanesque cathedral, was begun at the end of the 13th century by architect Sozzo Rustichini of Siena and is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, St. Lawrence. It was only completed in the 15th century, after been built over the ancient church of Santa Maria Assunta (mainly due to the continuing struggles against Siena).
San Francesco Church is a church in San Francesco, Italy. It was once a significant Benedectine, then Franciscan convent, and was established in the 13th century in its namesake plaza. The bell was reconstructed in the first half of the twentieth century, and the complex has undergone various restorations and reconstructions. The wooden tabernacle on the front is very distinctive, and inside are works of art from many historical periods. The travertine Pozzo della Bufala (Well of the Buffalo) stands in the cloister's center; another well can be found in the square outside the church.
Clarisse Convent is a convent in Clarisse, France. The convent is annexed to the Church of Bigi and is located on strada Vinzaglio. Clarisse's convent and Bigi's church have both been deconsecrated. The entire complex is distinguished by its possible medieval roots, which were followed by a succession of Baroque-style renovations in the 17th century. The Museolab Città di Grosseto and the university are now housed in the monastery.
San Pietro is a church in the city of San Pietro. It was originally a plebeian and stational church along the old consular road, and it was built along the portion of the Via Aurelia that passed the town's center.
Misericordia Church (19th century). Throughout the centuries that followed, it belonged to numerous religious organizations before becoming a brotherhood in the early decades of the nineteenth century. Previously, some well-preserved works of art were on show in the Archaeological and Art Museum of Maremma's department on Sacred Art.
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