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Livorno is a port city on the Ligurian Sea on Tuscany's western coast. It is the capital of the Livorno Province. Leghorn is the traditional English name for it.
Livorno was envisioned as a "ideal town" during the Renaissance. Livorno, which grew significantly as a result of the Medici family's will in the second half of the 16th century, was an important free port, generating strong commercial activity, primarily in the hands of foreigners, and serving as the seat of consulates and shipping firms. Livorno's multiethnic and multicultural status lasted until the second part of the nineteenth century, although remnants of that era can still be found in the city's churches, villas, and palaces.
Livorno is the most modern of all the Tuscan cities, and it is the third most populated after Florence and Prato in terms of population.
Venezia Nuova
In 1629, Ferdinando II de' Medici investigated the possibility of enlarging the town to the north, on a scheme by Giovanni Battista Santi, in an area that comprised Fortezza Vecchia and Fortezza Nuova, in order to provide ample room for nautical and commercial activity. There was a need to construct a mercantile town in Porto Mediceo, complete with houses and depots for storing goods and a canal system to aid their transportation. The new quarter, known as Venezia Nuova, was created in an area closer to the sea, intersected by canals, and connected to the town by bridges, necessitating the hiring of Venetian experienced laborers.
The Chiesa di Sant'Anna, dedicated to Saint Anne, was built on the grounds of the Arch confraternity of the Company of the Nativity in 1631; in the same year, Giovanni Battista Santi died, and the project was handed over to Giovanni Francesco Cantagallina, however work delayed due to a shortage of money.
In 1656, a new impetus to the works was given regarding the distribution of the spaces where other houses and stores could be built; as a result, the problem of a diversely oriented road scheme with respect to the axis of Piazza d'Arme arose, which was solved by adopting a road plan perpendicular to the Navicelli channel. Of 1668, the roads and canals in Venezia Nuova were paved, and the Pescheria Nuova, near to the Scali del Pesce, where the fish was unloaded, was created in 1705.
In the 1700s, Venezia Nuova was the district of the Consuls of the Nations and the most significant international shopkeepers, who had warehouses full of products from all over the world waiting to be delivered by sea to the farthest reaches of the globe. The palaces along the canals contained turrets from which to observe the approaching ships, as well as shops at canal level to aid the offloading of products from the boats.
The Venezia Nuova area retains many of its original town planning and architectural features, such as bridges, small alleyways, aristocracy residences, churches like as Santa Caterina da Siena and San Ferdinando, and a thick network of canals that previously connected its warehouses to the port.
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Oblíbené otázky týkající se pronájmu automobilů v Livorno
Ano, ve vyhledávacím okně můžete vybrat „Návrat v jiném městě“ a zadat zamýšlené návratové město. Ve výsledcích vyhledávání se zobrazí pouze automobily s touto možností. Uvedená cena zahrnuje příplatek za návrat do jiného města.
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Zásady najetých kilometrů jsou vždy uvedeny v popisu vozidla. Podmínky pronájmu zobrazíte jednoduše kliknutím na ně.
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