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Verona is a city in Veneto, Italy, located on the Adige River. It is one of the region's seven provincial capitals. It is the region's largest city municipality and the second-largest in northeast Italy. Because of its artistic past and various annual fairs, plays, and operas, such as the lyrical season in the Arena, an ancient Roman amphitheater, it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in northern Italy.
The Della Scala family dominated the city between the 13th and 14th centuries. The city prospered under the family's authority, particularly under Cangrande I della Scala's leadership, becoming rich and strong and enclosed by new walls. Many monuments from the Della Scala era may be seen in and around Verona.
Romeo and Juliet (which also depicts Romeo's journey to Mantua) and The Two Gentlemen of Verona are two of William Shakespeare's plays set in Verona. Although it is unknown whether Shakespeare actually visited Verona or Italy, his plays have attracted a large number of tourists to the city. Verona was also the birthplace of Isotta Nogarola, the first prominent female humanist and one of the Renaissance's most important humanists. Because of its urban form and architecture, UNESCO has designated the city as a World Heritage Site.
Parking and traffic advice
The speed limit in cities is 50 km/h, though it may be reduced to 30 km/h in some locations.
The old center of Verona, like many other medieval Italian cities, has traffic restrictions (the area is called the limited traffic zone or ZTL). As a tourist to the city, you will only be permitted to drive your rental car within ZTL if your accommodation is within the zone. If this is the case, you must inform your hotel, who will register your vehicle's license plate number with the local police and provide you with a designated parking place within the ZTL. Driving without a specific authorization inside the ZTL will result in hefty fines. If you're not sure which sections of Verona are covered by ZTL, or if you have any other questions, please contact your rental car company for additional information.
The speed limit on major highways is 130 km/h, non-major highways are 110 km/h, and minor roads are 90 km/h. When it rains, the speed limits are reduced to 110 km/h, 100 km/h, and 80 km/h, accordingly. During instances of severe fog or other poor visibility, the general speed restriction is reduced to 50 km/h.
When driving, you must have proof of insurance and the vehicle's documents with you at all times.
You must have your passport or ID card with you at all times if you are the driver.
For experienced drivers, the legal alcohol limit is 0.05 percent, whereas for novice drivers, it is 0.00 percent. Exceeding the legal limit can result in severe fines and even incarceration.
The emergency number is 112. It is the same as it is in the rest of the EU.
Favorite vacation spots and activities
Arena. The spectacular Roman amphitheater was built in the first century A.D., and despite a catastrophic earthquake in the 12th century, it is still one of the city's primary attractions. It now occasionally accommodates major opera performances as well as concerts by world-renowned musicians such as Pink Floyd, Leonard Cohen, and others.
San Zeno Basilica is a basilica in San Zeno, Italy. The basilica was first built in the 9th century and is dedicated to a 4th-century fisherman who became the Bishop (and afterwards the patron saint) of Verona. It was repeatedly damaged and destroyed by invaders, but it was always successfully restored, becoming a symbol of the Veronese's tenacity. The shrine of Zeno's grave, as well as a smiling statue of the man himself, are still housed in the basilica and the Benedictine abbey next to it.
Castelvecchio. Castelvecchio is a fortified castle that was built almost 700 years ago and today houses the Verona City Art Museum. The museum houses an extraordinary collection of paintings, sculptures, and other works of art by medieval and Renaissance masters, giving visitors a glimpse into the city's rich history.
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Děláme to správně a zjednodušujeme to! Udělejte si rezervaci u cars4travel dnes a přijďte zažít naši oceněnou službu. Nabízíme nejnovější modely vozidel s nízkým počtem najetých kilometrů s výraznými úsporami.
Jaké dokumenty jsou potřeba pro vypůjčení vozidla?
Je vyžadován platný mezinárodní řidičský průkaz.
Umístění půjčoven v okolních oblastech
Zkontrolujte ceny a dostupnost automobilů v okolních městech.
Nejbližší letiště
Nejbližší města
Může pro vás být snazší vrátit vůz v jiném městě. Stačí upravit nastavení vyhledávání a zadat vámi preferované město jako místo vrácení vozu. Následně se vám zobrazí pouze nabídky společností, které umožňují vrácení vozu v jiném městě. V zobrazené ceně je již započítaný tarif.
Řidiči mladší 25 let a starší 70 let platí v rámci výpůjčky poplatek navíc. Sekce Věkové omezení vám poradí s tím, kolik platí řidiči ve vaší věkové skupině.
Ano, ve vyhledávacím okně můžete vybrat „Návrat v jiném městě“ a zadat zamýšlené návratové město. Ve výsledcích vyhledávání se zobrazí pouze automobily s touto možností. Uvedená cena zahrnuje příplatek za návrat do jiného města.
Ano, budete moci buď upgradovat svůj vůz tak, že předem zavoláte Cars4travel, nebo budete moci provést upgrade, když dorazíte na půjčovnu v Verona, abyste informovali dodavatele svého vozu o ceně a dostupnosti.
Chcete -li maximalizovat pokrytí, důrazně vám doporučujeme získat úplné pokrytí. Jelikož budete pojištěni mezinárodní společností, nabízíme nejlepší ceny a během doby pronájmu v Verona budete mnohem bezpečnější.
Většina dodavatelů v Verona nabízí neomezený počet najetých kilometrů.
Ve výsledcích vyhledávání můžete zjistit, zda je kilometr omezen nebo neomezen podle podmínek každého automobilu.
Je velmi důležité informovat autopůjčovnu, pokud nemůžete vozidlo sjednat v dohodnutém čase odjezdu. Pokud vrátíte auto s více než dvouhodinovým zpožděním, bude vám účtován další den.