Comské Jezero: Půjčení vozu od 8€ denně
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Como is a city and comune in the Italian province of Lombardy. It is the administrative center of the Como Province. Como has become a tourist destination due to its proximity to Lake Como and the Alps, and the city contains numerous works of art, churches, gardens, museums, theatres, parks, and palaces: the Duomo, seat of the Diocese of Como; the Basilica of Sant'Abbondio; the Villa Olmo; the public gardens with the Tempio Voltiano; the Teatro Sociale; the Broletto, the city's medieval town hall; and the 20th-century Casa del Fascio.
Many historical figures were born in Como, including the poet Caecilius, who was mentioned by Catullus in the first century BCE, writers Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger, Pope Innocent XI, scientist Alessandro Volta, and Cosima Liszt, Richard Wagner's second wife and long-time director of the Bayreuth Festival, and Antonio Sant'Elia, (1888–1916), Futurist architect and pioneer of the modern movement.
The most important sights
On the site of the old Romanesque church of Santa Maria Maggiore, construction on the Como Cathedral began in 1396. The rose window and an entrance flanked by two Renaissance statues of the famous comaschi Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger were added to the façade around 1457. The building was completed in 1740. The interior is laid out in a Latin cross form, with a Gothic nave and two aisles separated by piers, while the transept wing and its apses are from the Renaissance period. It features a carved 16th-century choir and tapestries based on Giuseppe Arcimboldi's cartoons. Filippo Juvarra designed the dome, which is rococo in style. Other pieces include tapestries from the 16th–17th centuries and paintings by Bernardino Luini and Gaudenzio Ferrari from the 16th century.
San Fedele, a Romanesque church built on a pre-existing central plan structure circa 1120. In modern times, the original bell tower was renovated. The magnificent Door of St. Fedele, carved with medieval ornamentation, is the major attraction.
The Cistercians erected Sant'Agostino in the early 14th century, and it was significantly rebuilt in the 20th century. The interior and adjacent cloister feature frescoes from the 15th–17th centuries, but the majority of the decorating is Baroque.
The Basilica of Sant'Abbondio is a Romanesque edifice that was consecrated by Pope Urban II in 1095. The interior, which has a nave and four aisles, features paintings from the 11th century as well as 14th-century murals.
San Carpoforo is a town in the province of San Carpofor (11th century, apse and crypt from 12th century). It was founded, according to legend, by repurposing an old Mercury temple to contain the relics of Saint Carpophorus and other local martyrs.
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