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Marrakesh is the fourth biggest city in Morocco's Kingdom. It is the capital of Marrakesh-mid-southwestern Safi's region. It is located west of the Atlas Mountains' foothills. Marrakesh is located 580 kilometers southwest of Tangier, 327 kilometers southwest of Rabat, 239 kilometers south of Casablanca, and 246 kilometers northeast of Agadir.
Marrakesh is a historic walled city teeming with merchants and their wares. This medina quarter is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is now one of Africa's busiest cities, as well as a significant commercial hub and tourism attraction. In the twenty-first century, Marrakesh's real estate and hotel construction have risen rapidly. Marrakesh is very popular with the French, and several French celebrities buy property there. Marrakesh is home to Morocco's biggest traditional market (souk), with 18 souks offering everything from traditional Berber carpets to modern consumer gadgets. Crafts employ a sizable portion of the people, who mostly sell their wares to visitors.
Marrakesh is served by Ménara International Airport and the Marrakesh train station, which connects the city to Casablanca and the rest of northern Morocco. Cadi Ayyad University is one among numerous institutions and schools in Marrakesh. Najm de Marrakech, KAC Marrakech, Mouloudia de Marrakech, and Chez Ali Club de Marrakech are among the Moroccan football clubs present. The World Touring Car Championship, Auto GP, and FIA Formula Two Championship events are held at the Marrakesh Street Circuit.
The Jemaa el-Fnaa is one of Africa's most well-known squares and the hub of city activity and commerce. It has been called a "world-famous plaza," "a figurative urban landmark, a bridge between the past and the present, the site where (spectacularized) Moroccan heritage meets modernity." Since 1985, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage site. The name of the square has numerous possible interpretations; historians agree that the most likely derivation is that it meant "ruined mosque" or "mosque of annihilation," alluding to the building of a mosque within the area in the late 16th century that was left incomplete and fell into ruin.
Marrakesh is Morocco's biggest traditional market, and the city's image is intimately connected with its souks. Historically, Marrakesh's souks were split into shop districts for certain items like as leather, carpets, metalwork, and ceramics. These categories still exist in broad strokes, with substantial overlap. Many souks sell carpets and rugs, traditional Muslim clothing, leather purses, and lanterns. Haggling is still a significant element of souk trading.
The walls of Marrakesh, which run for around 19 kilometers (12 miles) surrounding the city's medina, were erected as protective defenses by the Almoravids in the 12th century. The walls are built of a distinctive orange-red clay and chalk, earning the city the moniker "red city"; they reach up to 19 feet (5.8 m) high and are flanked by 20 gates and 200 towers.
One of the most well-known city gates is Bab Agnaou, which was erected in the late 12th century as the primary public entrance to the rebuilt Kasbah by the Almohad caliph Ya'qub al-Mansur. Agnaou, like Gnaoua, is a Berber name that alludes to individuals of Sub-Saharan African descent. In certain historical accounts, the gate was referred to as Bab al Kohl (also meaning "black") or Bab al Qsar (palace gate).
One of the city's main southern gates, east of the Jewish and Muslim cemeteries and near Ali ibn Yusuf's mausoleum. Bab er Robb, located near Bab Agnaou, is the city's other primary southern exit. It has an unusual site and layout, which might be the consequence of several changes to the surrounding region throughout the years. It connects to roads that lead to the alpine communities of Amizmiz and Asni.
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