Termini Jernbanestasjon (Roma): Lei en bil fra 8€/per dag
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Termini Train Station in Rome
For rail passengers in Italy, Rome's transportation metropolis offers a plethora of services and connections. ItaliaRail's very own VIP station paradise, the ItaliaPass Lounge, near the start of Track 25, is one remarkable feature.
Roma Termini is the largest train station in Rome and one of the largest in Europe. There are 29 stations serving cities around Italy and Europe on a daily basis. The name "Termini" is derived from the location of the station in Rome. The Diocletian Baths (the Latin word for baths is “thermae”) were located across the street from where the train station now stands.
The Piazza dei Cinquecento's main entrance hall is lined with stores and restaurants, as well as a huge ticket office, travel agencies, and currency exchange kiosks. The post office is positioned on both sides of the platforms, and the tourist information desk for Rome is near platform 24, next to all of the car rental desks.
For passengers with a Gold or Platinum CARTAFRECCIA card or an Executive or AV Salottino ticket, there is a Sala Freccia Club located across from platforms three and four. All other ticketholders have access to a lounge located next to platform one. Next to platform one is the Sala Blu, Trenitalia's office for disabled passengers. On the platform level of the station, there is also an NTV office for Italo passengers named Casa Italo.
There are even more shops on the floor below the platform level, including a food store. There's also a KiPoint luggage storage facility here, as well as two spas. There are more shops and eateries on the higher floor. Only the underground level has restrooms.
At Termini, the Red and Blue lines both service the train station and may be accessed from the lower level. In Rome, the Piazza dei Cinquecento is an important bus hub.
For rail passengers in Italy, Rome's transportation metropolis offers a plethora of services and connections. ItaliaRail's very own VIP station paradise, the ItaliaPass Lounge, near the start of Track 25, is one remarkable feature.
Roma Termini is the largest train station in Rome and one of the largest in Europe. There are 29 stations serving cities around Italy and Europe on a daily basis. The name "Termini" is derived from the location of the station in Rome. The Diocletian Baths (the Latin word for baths is “thermae”) were located across the street from where the train station now stands.
The Piazza dei Cinquecento's main entrance hall is lined with stores and restaurants, as well as a huge ticket office, travel agencies, and currency exchange kiosks. The post office is positioned on both sides of the platforms, and the tourist information desk for Rome is near platform 24, next to all of the car rental desks.
For passengers with a Gold or Platinum CARTAFRECCIA card or an Executive or AV Salottino ticket, there is a Sala Freccia Club located across from platforms three and four. All other ticketholders have access to a lounge located next to platform one. Next to platform one is the Sala Blu, Trenitalia's office for disabled passengers. On the platform level of the station, there is also an NTV office for Italo passengers named Casa Italo.
There are even more shops on the floor below the platform level, including a food store. There's also a KiPoint luggage storage facility here, as well as two spas. There are more shops and eateries on the higher floor. Only the underground level has restrooms.
At Termini, the Red and Blue lines both service the train station and may be accessed from the lower level. In Rome, the Piazza dei Cinquecento is an important bus hub.
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